Piero Angela, 70 years of television between journalism and science, narrated by his son Alberto

Piero Angela, 70 years of television between journalism and science, narrated by his son Alberto

One year after the death of Piero Angela, Ray Cultura proposes again, tonight at 21.25 in Rayuno, Piero Angela – The Trip of a Lifetimespecific to Ulysses, the discovery fun dedicated to TV’s biggest celebrity. Alberto Angela will trace all phases of Piero’s seventy-year career, from his first job on radio to his first appearances on television as Rai correspondent from Paris and Brussels, his experiences as a war correspondent in Algeria and Vietnam, and meetings with senior officials. Movie star and music news management access on Rayuno.

subatomic particlesAnd super quarkAnd Journey to the universeAnd The cool machineAnd Dinosaur planet: his programs deeply influenced the history of Italian television, both from the point of view of content and from the perspective of the form and innovations of the television medium itself.

Together with Alberto Angela, there will be the voices of Piero’s many friends and collaborators. With Stefano Polani we will talk about Piero Angela’s great passion for jazz; Jovanotti will remember how, on one of his tours, he kept Piero company at all stages. Then Riccardo Muti, on the choice of the famous Air on Bach’s Fourth String as the theme song for his programs and the Nobel Prize for Physics Giorgio Baresi, the astronaut Paolo Nespoli, the journalist Gaia Tortora who will talk about his great friendship with his father. Enzo with Piero.

There will be Piero’s first-person stories: from his childhood under bombing to his father, psychiatrist Carlo Angela, who saved many Jews from death, to battling fake news and scientific hoaxes to his latest effort, preparing for the future.

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