Pictured on Mars “door”

Pictured on Mars “door”

NASA’s Curiosity probe captured a photo Mars Which sparked the curiosity of movements passionate about astronomy. In fact, his Mastcam photographed on the surface of the Red Planet, in the region of Mount Sharp, what looks like a rectangular door that can lead to an underground level. The conspirators immediately began saying that it was concrete evidence of life, apparently extraterrestrials, on Mars. The reason why this alien civilization did not appear precisely can be explained by this door: it lives underground. It would definitely be a great idea, but it just doesn’t sound right. In fact, it would not be a door, but a small crack in the rock that was greatly enlarged. Here’s what a spokesperson for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory said on the fact-checking website Snopes.com. The hole in question will also be small: about 30 by 45 centimeters. The speaker explained it “There are linear fractures all over this bump, and this is a place where many intersect.”

It’s not a door, that’s what it is

According to Ashwin Vasavada, project scientist at the Mars Science Laboratory, at the Gizmodo site, the object immortalized will only be the space between two fractures in a rock. The expert also went on to determine that the crossed area was formed from ancient sand dunes, and that these dunes have hardened over time, giving rise to the sandstone outcrops that Curiosity is passing through these days. Over time, the sandstone has been subjected to variable stress, resulting in cracks and fractures. Vasavada noted that fractures that appear in this region are usually vertical. In reference to “Brings” thought so “to a vertical fracture, with the central piece disappearing; or to a single vertical fracture in which the blocks have moved away over time.” In short, it wouldn’t be a door, let alone proving the existence of alien life on Mars.

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In August 2012, Curiosity landed in Gale crater, then traveled more than 27 kilometers in more than 3,400 Martian days, or “sol”. Sol is used to indicate the duration of the Martian solar day, i.e. the duration of the day-night cycle, or 24 hours 39 minutes 35.244 seconds, as opposed to 24 Earth hours. The picture of the door was taken on the day of 3466 AD. Last March, the curiosity of astronomy and science fiction buffs aroused the “Venus of Mars,” which was nothing more than a rock formation.

Was there water on the red planet?

Beyond the door or Venus, humanity is still making great strides in knowing the Red Planet. In fact, Chinese scientists have discovered that there is other evidence regarding the presence of water in the past on the surface of Mars, as well as about wet minerals that could be used during subsequent manned Mars missions. The study, published in Science Advances, states that a large basin on Mars, likely due to the impact of a celestial body, contained liquid water during the Amazon era. We are talking about the most recent geological epoch on the planet. The research in question also revealed that there are currently large reserves of water on the surface of Mars in the form of wet minerals and possibly frozen soil. Researchers from the National Aerospace Center team of the Chinese Academy of Sciences used data collected by the Chinese Mars rover Zhurong on the sedimentary and mineral features of southern Utopia Planitia, a vast plain located in the planet’s northern hemisphere.

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Strong earthquake on Mars

The most powerful earthquake ever recorded on a planet other than Earth was detected on May 4 by NASA’s Insight probe. It was a magnitude 5 earthquake, higher than the previous one recorded on August 25, 2021 again on Mars, with a magnitude of 4.2. In three and a half years I earthquakes It would be more than 1,300. The location and mechanism in the origin of the earthquake, which is considered to be of almost extreme value, if we consider that it occurred on Mars, remains to be determined. The Insight probe’s mission was supposed to last two years, but was then extended until December 2022. However, it could end soon due to dust accumulating on the landing craft’s solar panels that jeopardizes battery charging. NASA is studying the problem and will hold a press conference on May 17 to clarify the matter.

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