Paola Caruso, after her son’s father deserted, what happened to him: “I have to earn …”

Paola Caruso, after her son’s father deserted, what happened to him: “I have to earn …”

What does the irrepressible former protagonist do on the Paolo Bonolis show? Here is the latest news about him!

Paula Caruso She is one of the TV personalities who came out a few years ago for some involvement in Mediaset’s historic radio broadcast! It is known that the woman was The first “Bonas” from Avanti Un Altro, Canale 5 Evening Program by Paolo Bonolis and Luca Laurenti!

Paola Caruso, after her son’s father deserted, what happened to him: “I have to earn …”
Paula Caruso – Politician 24

But what happened to Paula Caruso? Here’s what has become the hero in the last period and how the summer is going!

Paula Caruso, sexy historian Bonas!

Paula Caruso She is 37 years old and she was born on the 17th of January 1985 in Catanzaro. In addition to her irrepressible beauty, women are highly regarded – and at the same time discussed – for their direct and direct ways of dealing with others. From March to May 2016, participate in the eleventh edition ofFamous IslandThey reached the final and finished fourth behind boxer Giacobi Fragomini, Jonas Pirami and Mercedes Henger!

Paula Caruso in the past 10 years has had many passionate flirts, including ex-Tron players Daniel Intranet and Lucas Beraki! In 2018, the former ‘Bonas’ got engaged to businessman Francesco Caserta and after a few months got pregnant. However, the man left Caruso after the discovery and the latter raised her son – now 3 – on his own. The old woman said: “I have to earn, or else who runs the house, pays the nanny, the clothes, the school, the swimming course and the rest? Father never gave me Euros. He never paid rent and never gave the child a gift, not even on his birthday.” But what is Paola Caruso doing today? Here is the latest news about his personal and professional life!

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What are you doing today?

Is Paola Caruso still active on TV? naturally! This season participated in the latest edition of The pupa and the nerd, Conducted by Barbara Dorso. Before joining the show, Paola Caruso was hospitalized with a very strong allergic reaction. Fortunately, everything turned out for the better!

Paola Caruso Today Instagram - 04082022 - Politician 24
Paola Caruso in a recent Instagram shot. Source: (Paola Caruso’s Instagram)

For several years, Paola Caruso was often present on television as a regular guest on some Mediaset TV shows, Especially in Barbara Dorso! In recent years, Caruso has been romantically linked to boxer Dario Sochi, but they separated in July 2021. For some personal incompatibility! On his Instagram profile he has more than 950 thousand followers! In the last few days vacationing in Greece, in Santorini!

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