Pandemic, Financial Times ‘prophecy’ about to come true – Bicol notes

Pandemic, Financial Times ‘prophecy’ about to come true – Bicol notes

Now the world has embarked on the path of living with the virus. The possibility of an infinite emergency pandemic appears to have been averted. And this is news. There are many clues to this effect, especially abroad, but some hints can also be found in our deserted country.

Financial Times Prophecy

Therefore, what he wrote on November 22 on financial times: A note that escaped as usual to the local media, which do not know how to differentiate between the important and the unimportant, and which are still crowded with the usual issues as if the world is stuck a year ago.

The first topic is information on the progress of the epidemic, with a daily terrorist bulletin. The few voices that called for revision remain inaudible and at the moment it is necessary to resign, it works the same elsewhere, and if it is not opened elsewhere, we will not.

The second is the usual pressure on the vaccination campaign, which ranges from predictions about deaths of unvaccinated people to urgent calls for a happy welcome.

The third relates to the well-established Vax no-Vax controversy, with its daily bulletin of unvaccinated deaths, the implied “It’s Right”, and the angry irony about their undervalued theories, assuming one idea of ​​those hesitating or rejecting the vaccine. One of the craziest (there are rationalities, just as there are idiots even among proponents of mass vaccination – even among virologists – but the distinction is not about narratives).

The real questions find a little space, first of all, specifically, if we have entered into an era of a pandemic, or an infinite epidemic, which should have happened in some area for infinite wars, or if we could live the present forest in a way that no longer emergency and may have a term.

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Who, Bill Gates and the Deltacronتغير variant

The Financial Times article he cited opened a new perspective, with a nod that was followed shortly after the official intervention of the World Health Organization and by no less interesting by Bill Gates (who spoke during the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, snack companion of child-lover Jaffrey Epstein, Paraguru’s companion). Hig tech that introduced viral medicine; it is likely that this procedure, slightly untouched, made him more concerned with human variability).

Both WHO and Gates It had announced, according to Al-Madina newspaper, that the epidemic would end in 2022 (1). Perspective slowly finds reliable convergences.

However, this was by no means a development for granted, just consider that, just as these scenarios were set, a new and more terrible ultimatum was sounded from Cyprus regarding the emergence of the so-called Deltacron, the new variant to be born from the merger of the two most Prevalent, a beast characterized by delta aggressiveness and incredible infection from the lowest omicron.

And so it seems that the prophecy of Paul Burton, chief medical officer of Moderna, has come true, who in early December predicted precisely such a merger, which aroused identical skepticism in the scientific community (the merger of two types of viral variants is considered highly unlikely), which appeared Only twenty days after the prophecy.

Fortunately, the alarm was quickly ignored, thanks to the emergency response too From the World Health Organization, which he assumed was a trivial error “caused by contamination of a sample during sequencing”. Together with the hypotheses regarding its formation, Deltacron has disappeared from the radar, confirming the trend of normalization.

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Infinite Vaccine?

Another focus of contention now is whether this coexistence with the virus will depend on infinite compulsory vaccination, which makes a happy headline in the New York Times (“Boost forever?”), or whether it is possible to live with the virus without such a cycle of permanent vaccination. .

There is a raging battle over this point. For some experts, it seems that there is no substitute for permanent vaccination, and they point to the example of Israel, which was hitherto ahead of the world, which is ahead with the fourth dose, of equal importance.

Not exactly a prime example, because Israel administers this at the same time as the world, at least part of the world, administers the third dose.

A simultaneous development, therefore, as it tends to confront a common enemy, Omicron, it is not certain that Tel Aviv will proceed with subsequent administrations (2).

The opinion of the head of the European Medicines Agency, Emma, ​​is interesting on this point announce: “We can’t keep using boosters every 3-4 months,” which is echoed by it mentioned earlier By Andrew Pollard, Chair of the UK Immunization and Immunization Committee. The debate, indeed the war, is open.

Finally, there is still a knot associated with the Green Corridor or similar measures taken in some other form in various Western countries, which were surreptitiously presented during the momentum of the pandemic as a necessary measure to defeat the virus.

It remains to be seen whether normalization, that is, coexistence with the new virus, frees the world from this Orwellian drift or whether it should be considered a temporary final, with subsequent miserable developments (on this point see Eleonora Piergalini’s article on small note).

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(1) Yesterday a new statement from Gates. So Sputnik: “Bill Gates Believes COVID-19 Can Be Treated Like Seasonal Flu After Variant Omicron”

(2) It is noteworthy that the accusation against the management of the epidemic by the Israeli authorities was signed by one of its most reliable scientists, Ehud Qamron, full professor in the Department of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology at the Sackler School of Medicine (to read it) and click here). In addition to the contents, which are also interesting and of global importance, the open letter is a sign that debate is raging in this country as well.

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