Our Lady of Mjugorge, November 25 Message / “Be a Sign of Heaven on Earth”

Our Lady of Mjugorge, November 25 Message / “Be a Sign of Heaven on Earth”

November 25 message

«Be the sign of heaven»: The invitation is clear from the Lady Queen of Peace, which appeared like every 25th of the month to the visions of Medjugorje Maria Pavlovic. As always, the message was disseminated through the various channels close to the Archdiocese of Medjugorje in Bosnian, below we publish our translation in Italian (taken from the original letter that appeared on the portal “Sardegna Terra di Pace-ADMIS Amici di Medjugorje” ).

A letter filled again with invocations of conversion to every pilgrim of God’s children, which culminates in the greatest vocation possible for a Christian: to be a sign of eternity, of Paradise, which is already present on this earth. which – which”a hundred times belowThe Lord Himself taught the world to live, die and rise for Him. This is the full message The lady entrusted to Maria of Medjugorje: “Children! I am with you in this merciful time and I invite you all to be the bearers of peace and love in this world, as God calls you through me, little children, to be prayerful, loving and an expression of heaven here on earth. May your hearts be filled with joy and faith in God to give birth, children, full confidence in His holy will. This is why I am with you, because, the Most High, sends me among you to inspire you with hope and you will be peacemakers in this troubled world. Thank you for answering my call».

MEDJUGORJE, memory of Father Slavko

On November 22, a Mass in memory of Father Slavko Berbaric, one of the first priests to witness the extraordinary mystery of apparitions in the small Bosnian town during the dark years of war in the Balkans.

The 21st anniversary of his death was commemorated, with a memory still very vivid among those who met him for years during pilgrimages to the places of apparitions and visions: Father Slavko traveled all over the world to propagate it. Our Lady’s Message for Peace and Reconciliation. Awaiting today’s letter entrusted to the dreamer Marija, here is one of the most powerful testimonies (reported by the portal “Sardinia Land of Peace”, editor) that the priest of Medjugorje gave as a legacy when he was still alive, “The sole purpose of apparitions is peace, and like a red thread, it runs through all that Mary says and does. So I also spoke of the conditions for peace: to turn back, to pray, to fast, to believe, to completely abandon God, and to stay with her on the path of holiness. He also clearly spoke of the means: reciting the rosary, confessing, reading the Bible, attending the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, and doing good.».

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Magogorge certificate

As always, waiting for the message to arrive at prime time, the Stories that come from Medjugorje They are enriched every month that passes among witnesses, pilgrims and simple people who saw their lives radically changed in their encounter with the Virgin.

This is the case with Antonino and him Testimonial on the YouTube channel “Medjugorje Every Day”: A rotten life, with many lovers “outside” of marriage, then drugs and swingers all upset by his wife’s amazing “reaction”. As soon as she found out about her husband’s second life, instead of leaving him to his fate, she decided to take a trip to Medjugorje. When he returns, then, everything changes forever: “The Virgin Mary really saved me from Hell because I was living a life in Hell“. The wife becomes calmer after facing the reality of Medjugorje, she takes care of it instead of downloading it: Antoninus cannot bear this and decides to go personally to the places of apparitions to understand what happened to his wife.”Maria saves him from hell: she feels the weight of the damage she has caused to so many people in her life, and at last repents by melting into a cry of liberation, after which she feels an incredible lightness», explains the Aleteia portal, which presents the extraordinary human story of this witness who is now a regular pilgrim from Medjugorje. after 12 years, The Faith In Christ – born of the “disorder” of his life made by the Gospel – still intact.

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Our Lady Medjujerjee’s message today, November 25, 2021: Renewing the Appreciative Faith

As always, on every 25th of the month there are special and “feverish” predictions among pilgrims and believers Medjugorje: it is known that The visionary Maria Pavlovic Appears once a month Madonna, mother of Jesus, in one of those “puzzles” that have not been fully resolved for more than 40 years. The November 25 message It will witness, as always, a constant call to repentance of heart on the part of every “son” to whom the “Gospa” turns, but it will also contain some specific indication of how The beauty of believing in Christ It may be the only real “keystone” for the drama and hardships of our daily lives.

Just a month ago, on October 25, 2021, the queen of peace Thus he addressed his beloved Maria, addressing her short but very dense words to call all Christians to “renew” their faith: «Children! Return to prayer because worshipers do not fear the future. Those who pray are open to life and respect the lives of others. He who prays, little children, feels the freedom of the children of God and with a joyful heart he serves the good of his brother. Because God is love and freedom. Therefore, little children, when they want to put and use restrictions on you it does not come from God because God is love and gives His peace to every creature. So he sent me to help you grow on the path of holiness. Thank you for answering my call».

Conversations in MedGeorge: The beauty of the heart

Prayer as “opening to life” is the same concept from which Monsignor began Michel Aupetit, Archbishop of ParisNileHomily for the Divine Liturgy from Medjugorje October 26, during a pilgrimage to the Archdiocese of France. “The Lord speaks to us about the kingdom of God, but where does he reign? For us, a kingdom always corresponds to a territory. The Jews have the promised land. Muslims, when they are mostly in a place, speak of an “Islamic state”The Archbishop confirms. «Where is the area where Jesus rules? We are two billion Christians and do not know where the kingdom of Christ is? Because the kingdom of Christ is not a region. The kingdom of Christ is your heart, and if there is only a little love in it, be assured that God will come to fill it with his love, and then a grain of love will grow, like a mustard seed that becomes the largest tree in the world. the garden. Our Lady’s message in Medjugorje says: “Peace, peace, peace”, no violence, no invasion, no blood’” Uppetit explained again before the faithful pilgrims who had arrived at the parish of Medjugorje. Then he reminded the Archbishop of the beauty of conversion, not as a “theoretical” fact but as a facade that radically changes life:If we allow Jesus to enter our hearts, this can change our whole life, says Our Lady when she invites us to conversion. When Jesus enters our heart, it changes our view of God and others. Instead of looking at all that is not right in our brothers and sisters, let us look at them as Jesus sees them and know how to admire what is beautiful in them.

Our work is also transforming. When you mop the house, if you look at the broom or dust, you despair before you start, but if you think of the people who will come to your house, who will be happy to welcome them with dignity, the job will be easy for you. The kingdom of God is in your heart and the door of our loving hearts.”. Finally Aupetit, inThe sermon was reported by the portal “Medjugorje.hr”, invites all to a “complete” love bestowed only by the one son of Jospa: “We know that we can love, and love our wife, our friends, our children, our parents… but that love is always limited, because Jesus tells us that if you love someone who loves you, do nothing special. Our love, when it encounters some resistance, quickly wears out. On the other hand, when we receive divine love, as Jesus asks us: “Love one another as I have loved you,” then this love, even if it is a small grain, grows infinitely according to God’s measure».

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