Oriental this way and seriously saves a lot

Oriental this way and seriously saves a lot

There are several important aspects about photovoltaic panels and how to get the most out of them based on how they are oriented: Details to follow

When it comes to photovoltaic panels, there are different aspects that also draw attention to how they are oriented, this is to improve their productivity and make the most of them.

How to direct solar panels
Today’s information

Best True South Solar Panel ArrangementsWith Tendency it equals Latitude. Correct estimation of the direction and tilt of the same thing to one side can be able to influence the relative yield quite a bit.

It is not an easy process defining these variables and this since during the day, The effect of the rays varies depending on the position of the sun. A useful tool capable of facilitating everything, as he demonstrates in the related study Biblus-net Regarding choosing to rely on a optical software.

The latter will provide valuable support on panels photovoltaic cells and about how to direct them. Taking into account the geographical data, and the period when there is a greater need for energy.

The angle of inclination is the degree of elevation

For sympathetic observers of the planet, The sun goes from east to west, through a parabolic trajectory. In order to determine the direction of the sun’s rays with respect to the surface of the system, it is necessary to focus on two angles.

deal with azimuth Born in tilt. In the first case, the angle of orientation of the plane of the device with respect to the corresponding meridian is indicated. Basically, the latter goes to measure The deviation of the aircraft with respect to the direction in a southerly direction. And this is about locations – the northern hemisphere. North instead for those in the southern hemisphere.

Positive values ​​with respect to the azimuth angle indicate a direction to the west. Negative, east-facing elements are annotated. (CEI EN 611194).

Since the angle increases as the rotation of the vector increases clockwise, it means that when azimuth is 0 degrees, The direction you are aiming at South.

In case 90 degrees azimuth, The device is facing in the direction the West while in case 180 degrees, direction north.

when referring to tilt, Means altitude degree, The inclination of objects with respect to the ground plane, or the angle of the same object. As far as the photovoltaic system is concerned, tilt is related to the inclination of the device plane relative to the horizontal plane. (IEC/TS 61836).

PV panels How to direct them to make them perform at their best

As mentioned, there are several interesting aspects that relate to the topic, as in the case of Martha , An important project related to smart photovoltaics: here’s what you need to know about it, here.

But back to the topic, the most relatable aspect of it energy efficiency of the panels It’s not just about quality. Other factors that influence are orientation And tilt of the same.

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compared to productivityThe maximum peak reached is when the sun’s rays are perpendicular to the panels. This is a condition that cannot be permanent but is subject to change during the day according to the seasons.

To get the most out of the system, it is needed Point them towards the direction where the incidence of the rays is highest. As well as estimating solar draft, solar panel orientation and PV panel inclination.

Photovoltaic panels how to orient them, solar radiation and solar maps

The first aspect to be calculated for the purpose of site control, with regard to understanding whether there is sufficient to proceed with the installation of the system, is to estimate How much solar energy reaches this place.

Throughout the year, the sun changes paths across the planet’s surface. There is no stability around radiation from the sun that come to the planet. Therefore, the energy of the star cannot be programmed and used when needed, as in the case of night.

However, you need to know that to understand the value of the item in question, average, at a particular location, at Solar maps Paths of the sun appear. The organization is done through Polar or Cartesian coordinates.

Solar charts – polar coordinates

Referring to the former, it is about Graphs where the celestial vault is projected and reduced to a horizontal plane. like Graphs It is made of concentric circles. From the outside towards the center and up to the center, the different values ​​of the solar elevation.

Starting from the center, then there are rays intersecting with different frames, taking into account the different periods of the year. And again, we will specify different azimuth values.

Also, the paths of the sun are reported in the different months.

Solar maps – Cartesian coordinates

compared to those in Cartesian coordinatesthese diagrams where the celestial vault is projected as if it were the surface of a cylinder projected onto a plane.

This way we have the key points regarding extremism. around the reference center, south, where the plates are oriented. The highest curve is the path of the sun during the summer period. The slight relates to the winter solstice. On either side of the arrangement, values ​​for heights.

Biblus-net It shows that for the purpose of producing such maps references can be made to photovoltaic programmes. Through the latter you can view your own Photoelectric shading on the chart of the sun. And go check out how much energy is from the sun compared to a specific time of year.

radiation curves

On the general topic ofsolar and oriental panels, Another graphical representation aims to understand how much energy is projected there pointing to a particular location radiation curves.

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This means that the representation on the curved lines of The sun’s radiation that affects a specific location. The latter changes from latitude. The lower the latitude, the greater the effect. This is because the sun arrives in a more orthogonal manner with respect to the capture surface.

Through tables and counters, it is possible to obtain radiation values. Reporting of energy estimation in relation to the horizontal plane according to the latitude of the site. Data based (UNI Standard 10349 [UNI 8477]. According to historical data.

Also in this case of utility it turns out that the optical software Through which you can access various data depending on the installation location.

Photovoltaic panels and how to direct them: direction

Factory productivity It is greater when the rays are vertical to me panels. The preferred orientation is the orientation South, corner azimuth 0 degrees.

If there is no way to install it in a southerly orientation, or end up in obstacles that will generate shading, there is a way to change its orientation.

with maximum guidance 45 degrees southeast and southwest. In this case there will be an overall decline in annual production, 1-3 percent.

The moment at which the direction has an angle greater than 45 degrees to the south, In this case the production side will start to decline dramatically noticeable.

there radiation linked to the exposed panel to east less important. More so in the case of exposure to the West. He will only get morning or evening.

Photovoltaic panels and how to orient them: inclination

influential side optimal inclination of the panels and the Latitude from the place where it is installed.

Biblus-net Regarding the optimum slope, it shows that approximately the maximum production per year is equal to Latitude the from the location chosen to install it.

In the case of a latitude of 40 degrees, the panel shall be installed at an inclination of between thirty and forty degrees.

For a better understanding of the correct inclination of the tool, it is also necessary to take into account Surface on which you will install it.

If installed on roof coveringThe panels will be installed in a coplanar manner with the roof slope. If installed on a land or higher flat roof non-ceiling, That’s what it takes.

First of all, make a careful calculation of the inclination, and in this way avoid that the boards placed in front do not cause, at certain periods of the year, a shadow over those in the back row.

the optical software It may be the right choice for the exact calculation of the minimum installation distance of the rows. And also with regard to the correct inclination.

What are solar trackers and how do they work?

The correct orientation of the plates is crucial to getting the most out of the system. In order to improve solar disposition throughout the year, a way to proceed is to install some hardware electronic in nature. These are the elements that make it possible to track the path of the sun.

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biblusClear Shows that, in this regard, it is indicated solar trackers. These are specific devices that allow movement and rotation of the panel so that there is always an orientation towards the solar direction. So we talk about floating plate.

Uniaxial – biaxial and other aspects

These solar trackers allow you to always maintain a 90 degree inclination between the panel and the beams. This improves energy efficiency. There are different types and depending on this element the mechanism by which they work changes.

The main ones, in terms of solar tracking, are “uniaxial” and “biaxial”. In the first case, these devices “chase” radiation, so to speak. rotating around its axis. Depending on their orientation, they can be classified in different ways.

Tilt, roll, azimuth, and polar axis trackers.

Solar trackers Uniaxial They “chase” solar radiation by rotating around their axis, and based on their orientation, they can be classified into:

but me “biaxial”, It has two axes of rotation perpendicular to each other. These allow, through an electrical system, the ideal orientation of the panels towards the sun.

Depending on their orientation, they can be divided into trackers for Azimuth – altitude, inclination and roll.

positive and negative

And then, depending on the type of system that allows them to move in order to orient themselves in the direction of the sun, they can be classified into positive and negative.

In the first case, these elements consist of electric motors that allow the plates to move slowly. The relative division relates to those analog and digital.

in the case of those passive, They use independent physical phenomena, regardless of the sun’s position relative to the panels.

In order to optimally determine the orientation of the panels, if it is a system without a solar tracking system, biblusClear Recommend a free trial optical software.

going to include Place installation, values azimuth And tilt, It will be possible to collect data on the average daily radiation per month. And again, get an overview of the panels performance analysis.

Here are some details generals Not in depth about Photovoltaic panels and how to direct them. Either way it is we will And suitable Clarification And inquire about to know more. And also to clear up any doubts. turned to Experts in the field and specialized topics in this field.

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