One study generates structures similar to human embryos

One study generates structures similar to human embryos

Human embryo-like structures have been created that include tissues outside the embryo. This is evidenced by a studyUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Centerposted yes cell. The process by which an embryo rearranges itself from a hollow ball into a layered structure, called gastrulation, is a kind of black box of human evolution. This is because, according to bioethical regulations, human embryos are not cultured for more than 14 days and stomachs are staged between 17 and 21 days after fertilization.

Furthermore, current models of stem cells mimicking gastrulation have been unable to include the necessary extramasticatory tissues that give rise to gastrulation yolk sac and l placenta. In the study, the researchers point to a new method of development perigastroloidsan embryo-like structure that includes one of the supporting tissues, the yolk sac, which was missing in earlier models.

The study produced structures similar to embryos

Although disassembled models of the human stomach and early organogenesis have been developed from human pluripotent stem cells, these models lack the extraembryonic cells that play a vital role in embryogenesis and morphogenesis.The great author explained John WooStem cell biologist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

The presence of embryonic and outer tissues allowed the researchers to examine the interactions between the ectoderm, amnion, and yolk sac during gastrulation, a feat hitherto impossible in humans.He confirmed Woo. rather than the most common endurance cells Multi-capacity equipmentThe researchers’ method used pluripotent stem cells. These cells have previously been shown to differentiate into embryonic and extracellular tissues in mice. By adding growth factors to human epithelial stem cells, they differentiated into these tissue types.

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It’s all about structures Semi-stomach

The cells then organized themselves into structures resembling a human embryo, which is what the researchers called it Semi-stomach. Tissues outside of chewing release chemical signals that direct the development of the fetus, allowing this circumferential structures To mimic the different processes, which are considered part of this period of development. the perigastruloid formations They develop the amniotic cavity in which the embryos and those of the yolk sac live, providing them with the correct supply of blood.

Moreover, these structures show the first signs ofComposition of memberslike nervousness, which marks the beginning of the development of the central nervous system. The research team reports that the method is effective and reproducible. In what they consider to be a small scale experiment, they have been able to generate hundreds of them circumferential structures. “The strength of this model comes from its ability to exploit the remarkable self-regulatory capacity of human epithelial stem cells with minimal outside interference.he announced Woo. In terms of ethical concerns that the research could raise, the scientists identified the following: perigastroloids They are not viable due to the exclusion of the trophoblast, the peripheral layers of the blastocyst vesicle, which gives rise to the placenta.

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