More than 40% of women who received the Covid-19 vaccine experienced effects on…

More than 40% of women who received the Covid-19 vaccine experienced effects on…

Data is collected in The bleeding half, a book written by Maria Zoel and Antonio Villa Real and published by Llibres del KO which aims to explain how and why “the menstrual cycle has historically been ignored.” The vaccine and its relationship with menstruation stars is presented in one of its chapters, which also includes a survey study. It is noted that 42.5% of the sample of more than a thousand women who received the vaccine experienced effects on their menstrual cycle.

What are the effects?

Since the vaccine began to be available to women aged 40-49 years in June 2021, a rumor has begun to spread. Details of the book: rules After the vaccine they were more abundant, involved more pain and the cycles were shortened. Some women went from 35/45 day cycles to 28 day cycles, and their premenstrual periods were worse. There was, as Zewail and Vila Real (both journalists) described it, “a pattern, although it was not clear.” All testimonials were collected in the survey that the authors collected to write the book. First, they also explained that “science ignored him.” In the journal Sciencie, for example, Dr. Victoria Maley of Imperial College noted that “without formal studies, it is impossible to say whether these differences that people notice after vaccination are a fraction of the natural difference or are caused by the vaccine.”


The book also tells how women who experienced these effects and went to their doctor often found themselves in situations of misunderstanding. Finally, the heads are connected: the Serum It is applied in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, it changes it, but if the woman is vaccinated after ovulation, there are no problems. It was published in the magazine Lancet. It is also collected in The bleeding half. When applied before ovulation, the vaccine appears to activate cytokines, which are certain proteins, the authors explain, “that regulate the immune response and change hormone levels, confusing the body.” In the survey, the data was clear: 42.5% of participants saw their menstrual cycles change to become more regular. Another 35.1% reported that they did not feel anything irregular, 7.2% reported that the color of their periods had changed, and 4.6% reported that they were more abundant. It is, in short, one of the many stories collected in a book which, whether you are a man or a woman, are of obvious importance.

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