Monsignor Diocese. Leuzzi (Teramo-Atri), “The Risen One is not an Idea.” Young people ‘ tasked with a new season between faith and science to face current challenges’

Monsignor Diocese.  Leuzzi (Teramo-Atri), “The Risen One is not an Idea.”  Young people ‘ tasked with a new season between faith and science to face current challenges’

“My heart and mind are directed toward the imminent Pentecost now,” Sunday, June 5, “I would like to share with you the desire to be witnesses to the presence of the Risen One in history.” With these words, Monsignor. Lorenzo Liuzzi, Bishop of Teramo Atri, addresses young people in his June message. For the bishop, “History cannot be understood apart from the Risen One. The Risen One is not an idea, a priori! Certainly a priori important, but apart from the personal and communal life we ​​enter into.”
“Reflecting on this common belief, or in some cases, prejudice,” Bishop and young people rethink “the role of science in building society”: “There is a very strong link between the crisis of science and the crisis of Christianity. Indeed, when one walks in abstraction or To the utopia, science and Christianity are in difficulty.”
Many, Mgr adds. Leuzzi, “They confuse technological application with scientific research. The precedence is knowledge without which technological applications can be exploited. Know!”.
Hence the call: “Do not be afraid to know reality. Pope Francis constantly repeats it and entrusts you, young people, with the task of helping everyone you meet, in various ecclesiastical and social experiences, arouse a curiosity for knowledge.” And again: “Do not get used to the monotony of gossip. Try to get acquainted with the expression of a logical assessment. Know how to motivate!”.
“Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to the Church because his life is never monotonous. His presence is always the bearer of the novelty, because one must be builders – the bishop continues -. But to build you need knowledge. I invite you to read paragraph 204 of the Encyclical of Pope Francis, all brothers. This is why loving science and the scientific method is so important to being a Christian.”
Quoting a young man’s question – Can I be a believer and a scholar? – The bishop answers: “One cannot be a believer by ignoring the scientific method, because what is standing among us is among us, not in the abstract sense, but in reality. For this reason, when the connection between science and faith is lost, there is a danger that both, walking alone, will not be at the service of all. one of us, which inhibits the growth of society.” Archbishop Luetzi concludes: “You, dear young people, are entrusted with a new season between faith and science to meet the challenges that await you.”

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