«Miss Frankenstein» at Tor Bella Monaca, between science and motherhood- Corriere.it

«Miss Frankenstein» at Tor Bella Monaca, between science and motherhood- Corriere.it
from Editorial office in Rome

Presentation by Silvia Purdy with Maria Sofia Palmieri and Viviana Vidal, brings to life Mary Shelley’s famous masterpiece in a feminine key

It will be shown on Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 at the Tor Bella Monaca Theater “Miss Frankenstein”, inspired by the famous masterpiece of Mary Shelley, rejected in the female form, with Victor Frankenstein who becomes Victoria Frankenstein: a scientist who does not know the charm of the women of her time and does not abandon his identity or His talent is even in the face of the prospects of poverty or the threats of the masculine universe. A Show by The Ring Company, with the realistic direction and vision of Diego Andrea Giuliani, the show by Silvia Bordi sees Maria Sophia Palmieri giving body to thousands of “Miss Frankenstein” faces, and Viviana Viodal as “Creature”. “Victoria is aware of her genius and spares not herself: she is the new Prometheus – explains the author – and soon fire is drawn, transformed into energy, and unprecedented electricity comes alive with thunder and whose name at the beginning of Experiment No. 8, the creature. Victoria feels lifted to the height of God She has created something in his image and likeness. Experiment No. 8 Yet she is a young girl and develops her humanity in her own way, until she finds a name for herself that refers to herself: Margarita.’

At the center of the show are two female roles: Miss Frankenstein, a feminist at the time who decided to turn down the role of mother in order to devote herself to science.However, she is drawn to the idea of ​​the birth of a female “sui generis” creature, the “creature” who considers the Creator to be a mother and immediately shows an out-of-the-ordinary learning. She reads, studies and develops her imagination with a keen curiosity to discover the world, to see the sea, to board a ship, but all this was not thought of for her. Wanting to know what was outside her house, Margherita, hidden by the window, exchanged a few too many words with a boy who belonged to a large group of Italians, itinerant musicians, immigrants from the first industrial revolution. The two meet at night until the suspicion that grips the young man becomes real: There is something strange about that girl and when she reveals herself, she summons other members of her small community and consumes the drama, as in the original story. So “Miss Frankenstein” also includes a reflection on motherhood, the choice to give or deny life, and dealing with one’s history. Also on stage is Valerio Rindino and Alice Cissetti, the assistant director is Greta Giuliani.

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May 22, 2022 (change on May 22, 2022 | 18:28)

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