Last update Feb 16 2022-9: 31 PM

( Milan, February 16, 2022 – February 23, 2022, 6:30 pm, in the magnificent setting of the Hall of Umberto I in the Palazzo Cusani in Milan, Via del Carmen, 8, headquarters of the Lombardy Army Military Command and Command of the RRA Corps NRDC-IT, an event will be organized by the “Piri Piri Culture and Science Circle” in collaboration with the Palazzo Cusani Friends Association.

General Antonio Benigno, External Collaborator of the Crisis Unit in the Lombardy Region, and the new head of the Piri-Biri Department of Culture and Science, strongly desired this event “Without Commitment to Read – Pleasure of Writing” as the first long literary journey to achieve a unifying spirit in multiculturalism.

The first poet-writers to break the tape of events will be Maurizio Bossi, Principia Bruna Rosco, Agostino Piqueco, Giuseppe Silvaghi and Davide Stecanella. The supervisor will be Antonio San Francisco.

In a period of two years when we were “locked in” for fear of contracting a deadly virus like Covid19, General Benigno, convinced that we need culture to revive the soul, planned this first event as a testimony and cultural expression capable of transmitting serenity, as well as emphasizing that culture is a concept rooted in the human being and is fundamental for the life that must be carried out in society.

Paradoxically, Circolo Piri Piri, a name derived from a South African chili, was founded by General Camilo de Milato who was believed to impart taste and flavor to the culture.

In fact, the piri piri approach is to ridicule himself with ambition and mock this availability and with that cynicism toward self and toward others as each contributes in a unified but diverse spirit, a contribution of desire capable of emphasizing how important the plurality of opinions is for all.

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Judge Julie Milanesi, a woman completely dedicated to culture and society, was the former president of the club.

The new club’s board of directors consists of General President Antonio Benigno and Dr. Avv. Rossella Vitali, Dr. Stefano Brambilla.

Short biographical notes for speakers

Maurizio Bossi: Physician specializing in andrology, gave lectures on
Sexology at the Universities of Pavia, L’Aquila and Pisa. He published health on radio and television. He has edited an encyclopedia on sexuality and published 50 scientific papers and twelve popular books. Since 2000, he has been involved in medical publishing as a radio and television journalist

Principia Bruna Rosco: She works in painting, writing and journalism mainly in Cesano Boscone (Milan) and in Barrea (AQ) in the Abruzzo National Park. He has more than five hundred exhibitions of personal and group painting to his account, both in Italy and abroad. His works are in many museums, the most important of which are the Museum of Sacred Art in Chieti and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Praia Mare (CS). She is an artist who, although she did not give up her profession as an illustrator, desperately wanted to devote herself to writing.

Agostino Picicco: Works professionally in the Department of Communication, Public Relations and Promotional Activities at the Catholic University. He obtained the professional qualification as a lawyer and freelance journalist. Participation in the roles of responsibility in the lives of different social groups. Ė Member of the General Council of the Don Tonino Bello Foundation, General Council of Pugliesi nel Mondo, Distinguished Member of the Centro Studi Grande Milano. For his publications, among the various awards, he was awarded the Ambrogino of the Municipality of Milan, the Civic Merit of the City of Giovinazzo and the Representative Medal of the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies.

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Giuseppe Silvaghi: He lives in Milan where he held executive positions in the banking sector. A lover and researcher of folklore, animator of cultural associations and creator of events for in-depth study and knowledge of new cultures and urban realities. He has received many awards, including the Ambrogino from the Municipality of Milan and the honorary Cavaliere al Merito from the Italian Republic.

David Stecanella: Criminal attorney and freelance journalist, lives and works in Milan. He is one of the most important Italian essay writers on the armed struggle of the 1970s. A multifaceted author, he writes about opera in “LOpera” and in the newspapers “Il Corriere della Sera” and “Repubblica”. Gli sfiorati is the novel that won the “Lawyers and Authors” award from Lombardy.

Antonio San Francesco: Salentino. He has written news for the daily Libero and the weekly Vero. For his investigations into gambling in 2012, he was awarded the Chronicler “Piero Passetti” and the “Guido Vergani” award. for the file. The Italian Catholic Press Association awarded Tragedy of Never Born Girls the “Christmas Ucsi 2012” award. Collaborating with the portal in October 2018, he won the “Carlo Azeglio Ciampi” for journalism award for Hope Beyond the Frost, a press report on new migration routes at the border between Italy and France. He is currently writing for “Famiglia Cristiana”.

Principia Bruna Roscoe

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