Michele Santoro is very harsh with Fazio and Annunziata: “Ray loses us, but I’ll explain why I can’t stand them…”

Michele Santoro is very harsh with Fazio and Annunziata: “Ray loses us, but I’ll explain why I can’t stand them…”

For Ray, it was Fabio Fazio’s farewell before and Lucia Annunziata after a loss for sure “because they are true professionals” “I can’t stand either of them,” says Michele Santoro, who cuts in de Martido at La7. To the journalist with long and troubled experience in Rai commenting with his usual candor on the controversies about the two personalities, disputing in that story the story of the victim bordering on the martyrdom accompanying the events of Fazio and Annunziata: bit phony – says Santoro – it is not true that Fazio spent 40 continuous years in Rai, he He went to work at La7 when he was working with Telecom, he didn’t even do a loop…”, speaking of this project called “TeleSogno” that never took off, as he recalls itAdnKronos. Fazio came out of that ruinous adventure, much richer than before, but people looked at him wrong. I did not return to Rai. But he does. He did not return because of the good offices of his agent, but he also returned because politics wanted him to return… ».

The Annunciation and the “Bulgarian Decree”

Santoro is certainly no softer when he speaks of Annunziata: “When you leave Ray and say you do not agree with this government, one must remember that she was the guaranteed president when Silvio Berlusconi was in power. Lucia Annunziata took over from Paolo Melli, who resigned after making the return of Enzo Biaggi, Daniele Lutazzi and Michele Santoro a condition. Lucia Annunziata took over. These two colleagues were the axis around which the cultural politics of Rai revolved, consisting of exceptions ». Santoro reiterates, “The company could have done well to keep it. But I am not the company and not a public service that drives away a different idea, which existed even before, when they were in the center of Baba … ».

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