Memorial Day was born a stumbling block for science and culture

Memorial Day was born a stumbling block for science and culture

Rome – Research institutions and Jews together for a stumbling block for science and culture. A year after the birth of the web platform “Pagina della Memoria” and in view of the commemoration day of January 27, a collaboration was formalized for the collection and publication of documents and testimonies related to the impact of the Nazi-Fascist racial laws. Expand in the Italian scientific and academic community. With the agreement signed on January 10, 2023, Ingv, Cnr, Accademia dei Lincei and Inapp will collaborate with Ucei and Cer, with the aim of identifying the impact that the so-called “ethnic issues” have had on the Italian scientific and academic community.

This collaboration will implement the “Pagina della memoria” platform inaugurated by Ingv last January 2022, specifically with the aim of studying, collecting and publishing testimonies and documents related to citizens of the Jewish faith and / or Jewish origin, who have been demobilized, exempted, expelled or removed from research institutions and universities and Italian academies. Through joint initiatives, the institutions will promote documentary, historical and bibliographic research, as well as the realization of cultural, scholarly and publishing events in order to underscore the dramatic impact of that set of legislative provisions, starting with Royal Decree Law No. 880 of April 19, 1937, then called the “Racial Laws.”

“The fundamental aspect of this project is to build a joint and joint path between research institutions and Jews, in order to collect, study and publish testimonies and documents related to the application of the so-called “racist laws” in institutional contexts linked to higher education. We therefore want to highlight the irreparable damage that has been done Italian scientific and cultural progress. Aldo WinklerProject creator. “Furthermore, we intend to consolidate the testimonies of the expulsion of several women, whose participation in studies and academic life in the Jewish community was quite cutting edge compared to the prevailing practices of the time.”

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Second Carlo Doglione, President of Ingv, “The memory of events is the basis for a knowledge society, to defend ourselves against natural dangers and to prevent the recurrence of human behaviors that would transgress any moral limit. Italian science has suffered the grave consequences of racial laws and it is appropriate to investigate and reveal even at such a dramatic stage of our history Don’t have to repeat itself.” President of the Federation of Italian Jewish Communities, Noemi de SignyHe also asserts that “the memory of what happened—accompanied by research and careful examination of the facts—is the necessary starting point for reaching a greater understanding of the events.”

“Many do not remember and many do not know the absurd persecution that was committed in that sad historical period,” he says. Sebastian SilverPresident of the National Institute for Public Policy Analysis – but the courage of those who suffered the distressing horrors of deportation and those who did not surrender, had to leave their academic and research communities to continue their activities in exile must be remembered and set as an example in a world that still too often sees human dignity and freedom trampled strangle them.”

“Because of the racial laws of 1938, women and men, outstanding scientists and young researchers and technicians, were exempted from service in our institution, as in others. It still represents one of the darkest pages of the twentieth century which destroyed scientific schools and entire families.” Maria Chiara CarrozzaChairman of the National Research Council. President of Linsei National Academy Robert Antonelliamong the many Italian Jewish personalities who were members of our Academy, “remembers at least three presidents: Vito Volterra, Guido Castelnuovo and Benjamino Segre, wholly Italian Jews who, like many other Jews, contributed to science and to our civil democracy”.

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