Matter accumulates without entering it. What does the new Italian study say?

In black holes, time becomes imaginary and therefore does not exist as we imagine it to exist. And not only that: they attract matter, but they do not allow it to enter them, nor do they “devour” it. A study published in the scientific journal suggests changing our view of black holes forever Physical review d It was carried out by the research team composed of Salvatore Capozziello and Emanuele Battista – both from the “E. Pansini” Department of Physics at the Federico II University of Naples – and Silvia De Bianchi, from the “Piero Martinetti” Department of Philosophy at the Milan State University.

“The central point is that,” Professor Silvia De Bianchi explains to the log Our work clearly shows that the singularity has not been reached inside the black hole. For more than 100 years, it has been thought that inside a black hole there is something that can be identified as a point of infinite density, which necessarily means thinking of a black hole as something that devours everything. If we say that black holes devour matter largely, we must also ask ourselves where this matter ends up, as we face several paradoxes. In fact, black holes do not destroy matter: for example, if a star destroyed it, it would never be sucked into the black hole, but its components would remain in orbit around it.

Theories that have developed up to this point state that An object that falls into a black hole does so for an infinite amount of time. However, Capozzello recalls: “No one really knew what was going on or why There is no experimental evidence coming from inside a black hole». In other words, no one has ever come in and then left to tell what’s going on inside. Hence, researchers began to understand what happens in magnificent black holes: by getting close to them. To do this, “we placed ourselves in a system of physical coordinates, the same ones used to study gravitational waves, and we did this in light of Einstein’s theory,” the physicist continues. like We realized that when you fall into a black hole, the speed drops to zeroThe curvature becomes limited and impossible to enter.”

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That time is full of philosophical meanings that can be observed through the discourses that have dealt with it for centuries, however It says that time inside a black hole becomes imaginary, which can cause a certain shockbut can be overcome, bearing in mind that imaginary time responds to a precise mathematical definition – as De Bianchi mentions the login, citing Stephen Hawking – This does not simply mean “unrealistic”. What black holes don’t have is time, which we model and measure in the context of relativistic physics. To repeat this forhandle Salvatore Capozziello was also one of the authors of the study, who adds that “In general relativity, there is a problem of singularities: black holes and big bangs are extreme cases in which we lose track of physics as we know it. And with it is the concept of time as a parameter that usually describes the past, present, and future.

This is where immortality comes into play, at the heart of the investigation in Silvia De Bianchi’s ERC PROTEUS project, which was then further defined in the field by collaboration between physicists. With this study, We want to prove that black holes do not cause space-time to collapse from which nothing can escape. On the contrary, the event horizon becomes the limit beyond which time becomes imaginary. Therefore, Capozello concludes, “Black holes will not be matter-devourers, as they have been represented so far, but merely objects that accumulate matter.”

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