Marta Rovira and Ruben Wagensberg have already returned from exile.

Marta Rovira and Ruben Wagensberg have already returned from exile.

Secretary General of the ERC, Marta Roveraand the deputy Robin Wagensberg They are already on their way to Catalonia to return from exile, once they have been investigated by the organisation. Tsunami of democracyRovira went into exile in Switzerland in 2018 due to judicial uncertainty involving the summons. Pablo Larenaand he still had to stay because of the investigation into the terrorism related to the democratic tsunami, to which Wagensberg and other defendants, such as the vice president of the Omnium cultural company, were added. Oleg Serrajournalist Jesus Rodriguez And the employer Josep Campajowho will be back tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning, the exiles will make a joint visit to the Empordà municipality in Cantaloupes, the town of Wagensberg, in a unifying event with Òmnium Culture, where the five exiles will be reunited with others investigated by the Democratic Tsunami. Martha Molinathe ERC leader who did not go into exile.

After that, everyone will keep their schedule and participate in other events. Òmnium has called for a big welcome event at 1:00 pm in Barcelona, ​​and Rodriguez will hold a welcome event at 6:00 pm in the Sants neighborhood. At 20.00, there will be a welcome in Girona at Campajo.

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