Manduria: “The Embrace of Science”, the latest book by Sergio Bargoletti

Manduria: “The Embrace of Science”, the latest book by Sergio Bargoletti

© La Voce di Manduria

Why do you trust science? Sergio Bargoletti attempts to answer this question, which has become very objective again with the health emergency, in his latest book, La carzza della Scienza, published by Edizioni Roots Future.

Thanks to the support of data, figures and a large bibliography, the journalist and writer from Taranto repeats, if there was still a need, there would be no progress without the research. Therefore, we must and we can trust.

It is not a blind and complete trust that is assigned to scientists who are considered individually, but trust, based on rational arguments, given to a scientific community that operates according to internationally accepted rules and protocols. Rules and protocols, this is the nodal point, which operates and produces results: from biology to chemistry, from robotics to neuroscience, the work of knowledge specialists, based strictly on the scientific method, allows us to live better and better and feed the new. expectations.

This is a fact that, with the pandemic, has been challenged significantly by an anti-science stance that is more pervasive than could be imagined. The fear of what we ignore, or what we have not seen before, is not only legitimate, but understandable; However, we must confront the only tool at our disposal so that we do not succumb to prejudice, which is a waiting room for the wrong behaviors that can lead to intolerance: culture.

The article is therefore intended not only for the enthusiastic readers of science but also and above all for the new generations who have been trained in the school to become responsible and conscientious citizens.

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Besides the purely health aspects, the pandemic has also reminded us, if we want to brutalize a very tragic experience, that we are human beings. And that no pills or any other medication can permanently relieve our existential anxiety. All this reminds us of the relationship, which is not always perfect, between some disciplines such as biology, physics, medicine and other forms of knowledge, and above all philosophy.

Bargoletti’s thinking also touches on this topic, favoring an interdisciplinary approach and taking into account the opinions of some of the most authoritative scholars in the cultural debate such as Maurizio Ferraris, Naomi Oresix, Elena Cattaneo, Carlo Rovelli, Eduardo Boncinelli and Umberto Galimberti.

The book will be shown next Tuesday, June 28, at 6.30 pm, in the Virgilio Gardens in Taranto, thanks to an initiative of the “Unire Taranto” association; He will speak to author, engineer Domenico Mosca and journalists Angela Tanzarella and Enzo Ferrari.

Brief biographical note on the author:

Sergio Bargoletti, a professional journalist, has worked for newspapers, news agencies, radio and television, gaining studies and professional experiences in Taranto, Bari, Bologna, Rome, Brussels and Milan. He was a professor of sociology at a university preparation center. Article writer, is in his sixth book: already published ionic earthAnd the Berlin for lifeAnd the The fighter and the burgataAnd the Facebook and PrinceAnd the Aurora Blue Milan.

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