Lovely Easter Monday, but the smell of smoke on the clothes is a little less: but if you do it, you can perfume it in 5 minutes real | Grandma makeup

Lovely Easter Monday, but the smell of smoke on the clothes is a little less: but if you do it, you can perfume it in 5 minutes real |  Grandma makeup

Easter Sunday comes and with it an afternoon of roasting meat and vegetables with friends. But at the end of the day, hair and clothes smell like smoke: How do we do that?

Easter has arrived after a long wait and with it the desire to go on trips outside the city, where the weather allows and, above all, to devote oneself to traditional barbecues in the company of friends and family. Whether you’re a meat eater or a vegetarian, roasting on the Monday after Easter is a must: sausages, zucchini, carrots, steak, chicken legs, you name it. All accompanied by a generous dose of cold beer or an excellent Italian wine. But there is a problem that arises after spending all day grilling.

Easter, no more smell of smoke on clothes –

The copious smoke from grills and barbecues inevitably ends up sticking to clothes, jackets, and hair, especially if they’ve been worn for a long time. Throwing everything we used to wear into the washing machine is not the smartest solution: we can again rely on our grandmother’s methods, always the simplest and most effective. Here’s how to get the smokey smell out of your clothes after all your barbeques.

Easter: Get rid of the smell of smoke on your clothes with this method

If your clothes are the problem, because you’ve been grilling outdoors, grandma’s good old ways come to our rescue to get rid of the unpleasant smell of smoke that never seems to want to completely go away. Once we get home from our picnics and cooking, we take off our clothes and Wash them with hot water And Marseille soap. Excellent at eliminating smoke odor and smelling good clean clothes as well as softening them more than any expensive chemical and detergent.

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If we don’t have Marseille soap, our great allies in all household chores are always white vinegar, lemon and baking soda. It’s also ideal for washing and cleaning smelly clothes, disinfecting them, and bringing them back to life. You can let them soak for a few hours in water with a little baking soda and lemon, or with a few tablespoons of white vinegar.

Lavender essential oil –

Lemon, white vinegar, and baking soda are also great for getting rid of smokey smell Poetry Long: They are completely natural products and for this reason they have no contraindications on the skin or extremities. If you don’t like the smell of white vinegar, you can clean your hair with a packet of baking soda, water, and lemon.

If you have grilled at home marinate them too curtains And wardrobes the situation is different, but do not despair! You can create relaxing, natural scented drawers by placing salt in a breathable bag with a few drops of lavender essential oil or your favorite perfume.

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