Lollobrigida: “Does instability affect the birth rate? This is not the case in the United States and the Third World.” Bolzano states. Blangiardo: “Women work in the audience there”

Lollobrigida: “Does instability affect the birth rate? This is not the case in the United States and the Third World.”  Bolzano states.  Blangiardo: “Women work in the audience there”

Lollobrigida: “Does instability affect the birth rate? This is not the case in the United States and the Third World.”  Bolzano states.  Blangiardo: “Women work in the audience there”

“I don’t read birth growth or deficiency exclusively related to work events.” Speech of the Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty. Francisco Lollobrigida, which, on the sidelines of the “Stati generale della natalita” in Rome, answers the question on about how increasing the use of vouchers and extending the causes of fixed-term contracts (as envisaged in the Labor Decree of May 1) could increase the tendency Italian couples to have children. “It is enough to look around the planet to see if the contractual model corresponds to demographic growth, I don’t know – adds the minister – in United State Population growth is higher than in Italy, but the labor market is less stable than in Italy. And we can talk about it Third world But it wouldn’t make sense when compared.”

In fact, even a comparison with the United States does not hold, given the high flexibility of the labor market – of course – which nevertheless guarantees a high potential for finding job offers, when one is missing. “What is missing in Italy,” Lollobrigida continues, “is a welfare system Generally stronger than in some areas that have the same kind of contracts as in the rest of the country there’s a higher birth rate I gave the example today South Tyrol example“.

But even this example is not generalized. The outgoing head of Istat says that, Gian Carlo Blangiardo. “In Bolzano, an autonomous province, the total fertility rate, that is, the number of children per woman, unlike all other Italian provinces, has not only not held up over time, but has actually grown quite a bit. How is that? Go and see and find out the truth of it, Thanks to the fact that many women They work in public With flexible working hours and unenforced voluntary part-time, undoubtedly and widely. Therefore – concludes the head of the state – a person organizes himself, and if he has a public and private production system that meets these initiatives, the obstacles are removed, and whoever wants to have these blessed children does it.

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