Litterarum programs 14 literary presentations and 27 book presentations

Litterarum programs 14 literary presentations and 27 book presentations

27 book presentations, 14 literary performances and 4 commemorative ceremonies: this is the proposal for 2024 of the 17th edition of Litterarum – Fira d’espectacles literaris I don’t 21A hebrew book fair, Which will be held from 24 to 26 a.m Maura Dupree. According to the organizers, the initiative strengthens its position as a “reference and discovery” space for literary performances in the Catalan language through an “expanded” program of artists and creatives from Catalonia, Valencian Countries and the Balearic Islands.

The main innovation is betting on promotionArt as therapy With the humanization program Some art Regional Hospital of Mora-Debri. He also takes it “stronger than ever”. Letters of solicitationExpanding the competition program for children. Directed by Gemma SusterLitterarum was distinguished by National Culture Award 2019: The fusion of literature and poetry with music and theater has turned the festival into a benchmark for the discovery and dissemination of literary performances in the Catalan language, which last year exceeded 4,000 visitors.

The program includes Four supplications Because it coincides with a year “full” of literary celebrations: the centenary of the death of the playwright and poet Ángel Gumera, the centenary of the death of the poet Joan Salvat Babasit, the centenary of the birth of the poet Vicente Andrés Estéles, and the centenary of the birth of the writer Montserrat Valereda y Trollol. Sastre has also highlighted that Litterarum has “consolidated” itself as a dossier “Vera professional” Expanding the representation of offers with more Catalan-speaking regions.


Litterarum includes “strong dishes” com The taste of the sea and the skywritten by Tia Tiater and texts byAngel GumeraWhich recreates “the legendary love story in which stubbornness turns into tragedy.” Or a musical show Women have their saywritten by Anna Ivory, Maria Jacobs, Neria Bassart, and Texel Mas, with texts by Maria Mercy Marsal, Montserrat Abello, Mercy Rodoreda, Blanca Lom Vidal, Tonia Pasola, and others.

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You can see it on Saturday evening The living and bitter wordon Alabachus paw He sings Vicente Andres Estelles In “A Journey Through Life and Love” and “The Troubled Days” of Franco’s Dictatorship and the Transition. The closing show will go hand in hand with Lea Sampay and Coloma Bertrand the damageSuggestion of verses from “Who I Love Poets”, Mikel Marti and Paul.

One of the pre-Litterarum events that will be one of the great novelties of the competition is the poetry presentation SufisWritten by Jordina Biosca and Ravid Goldschmidt with texts by Giuseppe Palau i Fabra, David Gou and Jacint Sala. Thursday the 23rd in the gardens of the regional hospital will be the result of cooperation with the Humanization Program Some art. On the other hand, A. said: Request messages There will be literature-related workshops, more stories, and family or other performances for a younger audience.

Hebrew literature

21st edition of Ebrink Book Fair It is held by Litterarum and will include 27 presentations of books by Hebrew authors and three roundtables with speakers such as the playwright, poet, and essayist Albert Roig. Short story competition prizes will also be distributed Llibresebrencs.organd conferences on the Lletraferint project and memes with YouTubers and linguistics are proposed Rock Aragones. There is another initiative that is strengthening and growing: Literary conjunction At Móra d’Ebre Castle, where you can watch the show Flowering elderberry: The origin is in the flower.

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