Lino Guilly breaks up with the survivors, and GFVIP loses its audience

Lino Guilly breaks up with the survivors, and GFVIP loses its audience

TV ratings on Monday, October 31, 2022, highlight the collapse of Survivors viewers, Lino Guanciale’s novel heading toward the grand finale of the first series.

The characters of the audience of the novel testify to the fact that during these weeks the events of the survivors were not able to penetrate the hearts of the audience.

The Big Brother VIP Led by Alfonso Signorini, as it continues to grow tonight, anything is possible, Rai 2 hosted by Stefano Di Martino.

GF Vip loses its prime-time audience: You’re listening to TV on October 31

In detail, see TV ratings on Monday, October 31 Big brother The VIPs are led by Alfonso Signorini, although the numbers are in sharp decline compared to those of previous weeks.

The new episode of the reality show recorded an average of 2.4 million viewers in prime time, and managed to reach 20.30%.

And so GF Vip lost a bit of an audience, also thanks to party days and Halloween weekend.

Crolla Lino pillow with survivors: TV listens on October 31

On Rai 1, on the other hand, the ratings for Survivors are falling apart, which is Lino Guanciale’s novel that in the penultimate episode scored one of the lowest numbers for this first season.

The two episodes that aired on the evening of Monday, October 31, averaged just over 2.4 million viewers, corresponding to a 15.40% share.

The numbers are in sharp decline compared to previous weeks, when the series approached the threshold of 2.7 million steady viewers per episode.

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It leads Survivors to be the least watched fantasy novel for this fall season of Rai 1, and has been largely surpassed by the data of Mina Settembre 2 and Vincenzo Malinconico, two series that in these weeks of programming have crossed the wall of four million spectators.

Well Stefano Di Martino, Canale 5 collapses without men and women: you are listening to TV on October 31

In Rai 2, however, Stefano De Martino defends himself so well that on top of the night, anything is possible. The Monday night show averaged more than 1.6 million in the last episode that aired on October 31 in prime time, equaling a wall-touching share of 12%.

But by day, the Canal 5 pm ratings collapse without a date with Maria de Filippi with men and women.

The film, which was broadcast from 2:10 pm, scored an average of 1.4 million spectators, which equals 14.40% and to follow the very big date with soap, the audience for another tomorrow was only one million spectators, which equals 12, 44%.

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