Lana resigns as club president, so is it up to Manfredi?

Lana resigns as club president, so is it up to Manfredi?

Not an easy time to have SampdoriaWhich, in addition to the numerous injuries and the ranking, puts him in 14th place Second division league 5 points away from Brescia Eighth place – and the last currently qualified for the playoffs – will now also have to face resignation from his position as president Marco LanaWho has held this position since December 27, 2021, when the case broke Ferrero.

A bitter farewell

Marco Lana He is no longer president Sampdoria. Surprising and unexpected news, at least until recently. Some indications about the possible farewell of the man who has held the highest position within the club since December 27, 2021, already occurred during last Saturday's match between the Blucherati and Real Madrid. Modena. Half an hour before the game actually Blades He entered the stadium alone, and as he headed toward the grandstand, he passed in front of the south steps, greeting the curve and the fans, who reciprocated with warmth.

Heat that supporters Sampdoria They will always praise him BladesWho managed the delicate transitional phase between ownership Massimo Ferrero And this is from Matteo Manfredithe main contributor and, above all, one of the heroes of the team – of which he was the only member coming from Genoa – author of the journey towards the only Italian League in the history of Sampdoria, which he won in the 1990-1991 season.

Reasons behind resignation

Behind the resignation Blades There may also be a less than idyllic relationship with ManfrediWho has never hidden his disappointment with the classification Sampdoriawhich currently lies outside the qualifying zone in 14th place Second division league. The last episode that may have finally convinced him to quit dates back a short time ago, when the team was with the coach Andre Pirlo He's at Manfredi I went to watch the documentary about the Italian League 1990/1991 – “The Beautiful Season” – in The old portDeceive Blades Who was not called, most likely voluntarily.

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Who will replace him?

Now for Sampdoria It won't be easy to replace a character like him Blades, beloved by his fans and able to manage a very complex situation without recognizing his enormous merits. He will be replaced by a new member of the Board of Directors and it is possible to risk that the choice will fall precisely on his shoulders Manfrediwhich many have long expected would replace it Blades.

Serie B, Sampdoria earthquake: Lana resigns as club president, so will it come back to Manfredi? source: Forget

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