Preview of Ladies’ Paradise 6 15 December 2021
episode Ladies’ Paradise 6 December 15 2021 Available On Rai 1 at 15:55 When viewed for the first time. Unless there are schedule differences, the Paradise Episode starts at that time and is also available at Ray Play In Derita flocking mail on demand.
Below you will find previews of Ladies’ Paradise 6 December 15, 2021!

Ladies’ Paradise 6 Episode 68 Conspiracy
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plan Vittorio good luck Agnes and Salvator successful. Indeed, mother and child make peace. Except He returned home and at least one piece of the Amato family’s complicated situation fell into place. Now Agnes has to face another, more delicate step. He realizes that Tina can no longer be kept in the dark about the truth Giuseppe. It wouldn’t be fair to him now Except He knows everything. Agnes She is ready, even though she knows it will break her heart.
Nino He is a cleric and has always avoided provocations Dora. However, it is behaving strangely. Vianello noticed this attitude, the heart of which beats for the young warehouse worker. Zakka also made some alarming statements in Armando. What happens to him?
Now so be it Salvatore is being Tina They know a secret GiuseppeThe real reason he moved to Germany. take care of Agnes With love and for women, it’s time to talk openly with children about her relationship with Ferrari.
Although receiving advice from LudovicaAnd vegan continue on its way. Prancia advises her not to antagonize Guarnieri and to leave Ravasi’s question alone. The designer has no intention of doing so. Even if he never wanted to, Achille Ravasi His father remains. Flora wants to know what happened to him. He discovers Guarnieri’s safe formula and is not afraid to go to extremes. However, he had no idea what he was about to find. I was shocked by the discoveries Adelaide e Umberto Regarding his father.
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