Kalcsikova warns that sexually transmitted infections are ‘running rampant’ in the Valencian region

Kalcsikova warns that sexually transmitted infections are ‘running rampant’ in the Valencian region

The coordinator of HIV and AIDS associations (Kalcíková) warned that sexually transmitted diseases are “prevalent” in the Valencian Community. For this reason, the organization will set up information points on sexual health, respect and positive encounters at various music festivals, where testing will be promoted, preventive materials such as condoms will be distributed, and awareness of serophobia will be raised in order to “end the stigma” associated with HIV.

Thus, it has set up events such as the Latin Festival, the Zefra Festival, the Medusa Sun Beach Festival, the Facelok, the Rototom Sunsplash, or the Lu Festival, among others. Around 200,000 condoms are distributed at these points, in addition to information materials aimed at educating young people about the importance of getting tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, to encourage the diagnosis, treatment and elimination of new cases thanks to treatment as a means of prevention, according to the agency.

In addition, at upcoming festivals, information points will debut a “renewed image” for this summer, with a new tent design, aimed at “attracting more young people” and involving the state’s Diversity District, which is joining the campaign as part of its “community pride” work.

Another part of the new image to which this action is directed are young people, through the Valencian Youth Institute (IVAJ) and the promotion of Carnet Jove. In addition, the Ministry of Health and Tourism are involved in the project.


Added to these developments is a change in the campaign’s name, which now includes the word “respect”, to reflect the work Kalsikova has been doing “for years” to address “somehow transversal” topics such as dysphoria, masculinity, or reducing the risks and harms of alcohol and other drugs, in order to address “the potential problems that can occur in these environments.”

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In this context, the association noted that new diagnoses of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases in Spain have increased “significantly” in recent years. In addition, the Valencian Community is one of the autonomous regions with the highest number of reported cases.

In fact, according to the latest report of the Epidemiological Surveillance of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, in 2022 there were 2,123 cases of gonorrhea (70% more than in 2021), 679 cases of syphilis (18% more) and 2,287 cases of chlamydia (40% more). As for HIV, during 2022 2,956 new diagnoses were registered in the country. Of these, 523 correspond to the Valencian Community, the second autonomous community with the largest number of new diagnoses.

“Rampant” infections.

The president of Calchikova, Carlos M. Gomez, has indicated that sexual health is “essential” because, as he warned, sexually transmitted diseases are “running rampant” in the Valencian Community.

Faced with this situation, he stressed that the group’s goal with this type of action is to promote clarity and normalization of testing, especially among young people. He pointed out that “we live in a complex time to sustain this type of project and the lack of good education, information and access to sexual health issues has a cost to public health.”

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