Juventus: New contacts with Marseille, Milik is one step away. Agent awaits final approval | first page

Juventus: New contacts with Marseille, Milik is one step away.  Agent awaits final approval |  first page

These are the crucial days in Juve for the arrival of the new striker who will complete the attacking division. As we told you yesterday There was a confrontation between the Juventus administration and Massimiliano Allegri nElle who chose between Memphis Depay and Arcadius Milik on the pole. The agreement with the player already exists; Milik will keep the same salary he currently receives at the French club, which is 3.5 million euros. Thentesa that is getting closer and closer to Marseille also after the new contacts on the basis of a loan of 2 million euros and a right of redemption set at 8.

Ads – pole agent, David Bantak is in Italy, waiting for the white smoke from Juventus. as soon as i Bianconeri He will give final approval, and Milik will return to Serie A after the experience he lived in Naples from 2016 to 2021. The reason for waiting is related to Depay status. However, the Dutchman, Cherubini and Arrivabene’s primary target, must cut back on recent economic orders, which are close to 10 million given the bonuses. A very difficult hypothesis at the moment given that Manchester United have also taken advantage of the Barcelona player in the last hoursready to please the former Leon.

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