Joint industrial investments in sustainable research at the center of the Italy-US hub

Joint industrial investments in sustainable research at the center of the Italy-US hub

The first Italian meeting of the Transatlantic Investment Commission (TIC) was held on July 20 in the Chapter Hall of the abbey of the Senate of the Republic. ICT, born from the will of the AMERIGO Association, the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, Centro Studi Americani and Federmanager, is a program closely promoted with diplomatic representatives in the United States and Italy to strengthen relations between the two countries. Countries in the area of ​​strategic joint investments identified by the Council of Trade and Technology, signed by the European Union and the United States of America in September 2021.

The first Italian meeting, co-sponsored by the Embassy of Italy in Washington and the Embassy of the United States of America in Italy, focused on economic policies and actions necessary – at the institutional and entrepreneurial level – to promote the development of transatlantic relations. In his opening remarks, Andrea Gomina, President of AMERIGO, emphasized how “the Transatlantic Investment Commission, which met formally yesterday for the first time, has already been working for weeks to increase the recognition of Italy at the international level, as a strategic partner of the United States of America and a group of like-minded countries.

To do this, in the coming months, we will work alongside institutions, think tanks, the production and research system, financial operators, and universities, from both countries, as a catalyst for the conceptualization and concrete implementation of solutions that accelerate cooperation. Investments between the United States and Italy, thus becoming an important complement to the implementation of the Board of Trade and Technology. For this reason, ICT is contemplating the structuring of a Euro-Atlantic Foundation and a Transatlantic Investment Fund, working to transfer technologies capable of shaping the interruption of the companies of our two countries, thus ensuring that all factors of intangible competitiveness are systematically strengthened, starting with innovation, youth and women.”

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During the discussion, the need to work on developing economic and trade relations between the two countries emerged from a two-way perspective, giving our companies the opportunity to seize investment opportunities in the US market, especially in the sectors with greater added value, such as aerospace, manufacturing, clean technology, digital and physical infrastructure, which are part of Trade and Technology Council. “The promotion of investments between Italy, Europe and the United States in the sectors at the heart of the US-EU Trade and Technology Board is an objective that must be pursued with the utmost conviction” – thus the Ambassador of Italy to the USA, Mariangela Zappia – In this context, ICT accompanies Ideally what Italy is doing to increase and direct public investment towards digital and green infrastructures and innovation sectors, as well as in higher education, using European and national funds, aspires to bring the private sector together around the same goal.” According to Ambassador Zappia, “the emergence of new components must be systematically promoted. Females and youth among researchers, junior subscribers, investors, and managers.

Among the factors of competitiveness, training and research constitute two elements that create the intangible capital necessary for the future development of the managerial category. “The first annual meeting of the Transatlantic Investment Committee, which we established with the Associazione Amerigo, the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy and Centro Studi Americani, represents a first essential step in planning the various activities promoted by TIC, with the aim of strengthening the synergies on the transatlantic axis in terms of economic opportunities And the new cultural and social. – President of Federmanager and Cida, Stefano Cosella, announces – also through our management school – Federmanager Academy – we encourage the training of innovative management skills, crucial to directing export and internationalization operations on the basis of the effective growth of Made in Italy in international markets.”

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Continuity, security, synergies, alternatives and resources: these are the key words of the speech delivered by Ambassador Giampiero Masolo, President of the International Institute of Intellectual Property, during the meeting: “The continuity of relations between Italy and the United States is an essential factor in transatlantic relations, for which another element is linked. , especially at the present stage, with the element of security. Indeed, it is necessary to work in synergy with allies who share a value system similar to ours, but not necessarily our interests either. In this context, ICT is undoubtedly an important tool, both for business creation Or because it is a systematic factor, and an attempt to direct resources towards the most appropriate uses to re-launch the production system and the relations between the two countries.”

As noted during the meeting, the basis for bilateral relations is the recognition of the strong intrinsic added value of Made in Italy products. To confirm this confidence and the importance of the action that the Transatlantic Investment Commission intends to take, just consider that in 2020, the United States was among the 10 largest investors in Italy and among the priority countries for policies to attract foreign investments. In Italy, while in 2020, the balance of Italian net foreign direct investment in the United States was about 43 billion euros.

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