Jesouline d'Aubric has achieved what seemed impossible. After a long period of working in secret, the bullfighter was able to bring his wife back into public life thanks to Antena 3.
As happened in the last few hours, the bullfighter was responsible for convincing María José Campanario to come with him to a television program. The couple will undergo an extensive interview conducted by former footballer Joaquin Sanchez.

Having succeeded in formats such as Nub I One to the last and I'm leavingThis well-known athlete returns to Antena 3 with a new, long-awaited project. He does this through the hands of his wife, Susana Saborido.
As mentioned Television Exclusively, this new format will be called identical It will aim to make love triumph among its participants.

However, it will also have a space dedicated to interviews, and the first to be subjected to the binding questions of its presenter will be Jesúline d'Ubrique and María José Campanario. Everything indicates that the bullfighter has a big role in his wife's long-awaited return to television.
Since the couple welcomed their son Hugo, they have counted the occasions when they have been able to see the dentist involved in public life. One of them was during his long-awaited interview Firstly!But now that's about to change.
Jessolín de Ubrique and María José Campanario make the most awaited decision
Jesulín de Ubrique convinced María José Campanario to give their first television interview together. They will do so a identicalthe new program Joaquin Sanchez a Antenna 3.
In addition, during their intervention like this, the media duo and presenters will help the singles of the night find love.
This new interview will mark the long-awaited return of Jesulín de Ubrique and María José Campanario to the small screen.

Except for his interview with Ants To promote his hijab a Torrent 5We have counted the occasions when we have been able to see the dentist on television. They all supported the husband in some of his audio-visual projects.
However, as expected, this news did not go unnoticed. And much less so after learning about Maria José Campanario's latest public movements.
After the birth of her youngest son, Ghisoline d'Aubric's wife decided to distance herself from public life as much as possible. So much so that, on March 23, she and the bullfighter starred in one of the most famous absences today.
On that day, the city of Ubrique Bajo la Belle held its first helicopter bullfighting festival on the occasion of the famous Feria de la Belle.
As expected, the residents of this city were waiting for their most famous neighbor with open arms. But in the end, neither he nor María José Campanario appeared, even though he did appear that day Victor Janeiro He was one of the bullfighters who were part of his gang.
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