“It seems that a year after the disaster, no one wants our fish” – Corriere.it

“It seems that a year after the disaster, no one wants our fish” – Corriere.it
to Constance Rezacasa d’Orsogna

The area feels sacrificed by the Tokyo government and those who live there struggle to keep their interest high. Only 1% of the population returned home, and Prime Minister Kishida refused to meet the fishermen, victims of the Chinese boycott and the stigma attached to their produce even in the capital’s fish markets.

Fukushima – At the fish market in Soma, a seaside town of 34,000 in Fukushima Prefecture, 45 kilometers north of the Daiichi nuclear power plant. Industry workers are worried. Like all of Hamedori, the Pacific region is loved by tourists for its beaches and fresh fish. Soma was severely affected by the tsunami that followed the 2011 earthquake. The fear of a nuclear accident at Tepco’s factories did the rest. to
This left many fishermen unemployed. Today, with water containing the radioactive tritium isotope spilled into the sea, Fear returned.

It’s as if, a year after the disaster, nobody wanted to hear about our fish, says an elderly employee as he arranges fish boxes com. jobanmono, area paper. We’ve done a lot to get back on our feet, e.g Just when we were succeeding, that tile arrived. I’m afraid it will end badly.

Yesterday, the water allocated for cooling the reactors began to drain, which currently accounts for 98% of the tanks’ capacity, with a total of 1.34 million cubic meters. It lasts at least thirty years. Although environmentalists and residents deplored the lack of a study on the long-term effects of the leakage of such an amount of polluted water into the sea, The government is moving forward, thanks in part to a green light from the International Atomic Energy Agency.

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To support the fishing industry from the economic damage caused by the spill 80 billion yen has been allocated (just over 500 million euros), with the aim of developing new sales channels and keeping excess fish frozen until demand begins to grow again. But thirty years is a very long time, and the fear is also evident for the survival of new generations.

So, At the tourist fish market in TokyoIn the spring, fish cooperatives in Fukushima tasted their produce to announce its safety. Sushi chefs will tell you that in Tokyo fish comes from everywhere in Japan except Fukushima. Perhaps this lie indicates that the Fukushima disaster is still considered by many to be synonymous with anxiety. In an effort to change negative perceptions of disaster areas, Japan Wonder Travel is organizing, for just under 350 euros, Tour with visit to Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. You can talk to TEPCO experts who explain the decontamination process, and meet disaster survivors.

However, it is the residents themselves who do not trust them. in this May Asahi Shimbunwhich sells six million copies a day, reported that although the eviction order has now been lifted everywhere, Only 1% of the population has returned to their homes in Fukushima Prefecture: 158 people, for two billion euros spent on decontamination and rebuilding roads and stations.

After all, Wednesday, in the newspaper’s harsh editorial Mainichi He denounced the government’s lack of honesty about the leak, emphasizing how prime ministers always distort the truth about Fukushima: by Shinzo Abewho swore in 2013 that the situation was under control when he learned instead that the tanks containing the offending water had already suffered several losses, For Fumio Kishida himselfwho returned Sunday from the Camp David summit with Joe Biden and South Korean President Yoon Sok Yul, visited Fukushima and spoke with TEPCO executives, but no
He wanted to meet the local fishermen.

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feeling that these areasFukushima and Tohoku in general, where about 20,000 people died between the tsunami and the earthquake, to
Japan doesn’t matter muchIt is not easy, after so long, to keep interest alive. A survey conducted on the eve of the 12th anniversary of the disaster by the marketing agency Macromell and the newspaper Kahoku Shimpo (Both from Sendai, the big city closest to the epicenter) Of the 3,000 people across Japan, they highlighted the gap in terms of perception between the hardest-hit and unaffected areas. For more than 70% of the residents of faraway Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa, 3.11 is a distant memory. not to mention outside exploitation.

And if the United States and South Korea, while strengthening alliance with Japan to counter China’s expansionist goals, cannot support the discharge of polluted water, BeijingJapan, which proposed with Russia an alternative plan for water fumigation that Tokyo deems unacceptable, has banned all imports of fish and shellfish from Japan. The stats you posted NHKJapanese public television reveals this Each of China’s 13 nuclear facilities released more tritium into the sea in 2021 Fukushima plans to release them within a year.

As tensions between the two countries escalate, the Tokyo Electric Power Company’s assurances of compensating the exporters are of little use: They say the Tohoku region seems ready to become a place of sacrifice. And so, in Iwaki, another coastal town not far from the factory, the mothers are doing the tests. They monitor radioactivity in food and seawater, import food from other regions, and routinely screen their children for thyroid cancer.

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August 25, 2023 (change: August 25, 2023 | 5:00 PM)

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