ISEE, the deadline is almost over: be careful, as of this year it will not be enough to go to CAF

ISEE, the deadline is almost over: be careful, as of this year it will not be enough to go to CAF

ISEE Model 2024: New features for calculating financial position. Here’s what you need to know to avoid making mistakes.

there Budget Law 2024 At the moment it is on the cards Parliament It will be discussed on these very days. The legislation introduces an important change to the calculation of the equivalent economic situation index (Show). In fact, from 2024, government bonds and financial savings products with repayment obligations backed by a state guarantee of up to EUR 50 thousand will no longer be valued in the capital structure.

The government has an important change in mind that affects Italian families: that’s why there’s no need to fear ISEE (ANSA photo) –

This change will cost approx 44 million euros per year for each stateIt will have particularly dire consequences for families with high assets. One element to take into consideration is that it may increase the amount relating to the individual allowance. The latter represents a support measure for Families with children Affiliate that is associated with ISEE.

In the past, to determine the ISEE calculation, all government bonds and financial savings products were taken into account, without calculating their value. With the amendment made by the government led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Instead, these assets will be deleted from the account if their value does not exceed the €50,000 threshold.

It will particularly benefit families with low capital capacity – (ANSA photo) –

The planned change aims to transform the ISEE into a more detailed indicator of the economic situation of households. In particular, it should prevent financial assets, even modest ones, from significantly affecting the value of the index.

The most important effects of the new change will be reflected in the single allowance. In practice, the increase in assets amounts to 50,000 euros It could result in an increase in the amount of the allowance for families with a higher level of ISEE.

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We do Example For better understanding. A family with an ISEE of €30,000 and assets of €40,000, which currently receives a single allowance of €200 per month, can benefit from an allowance of up to €220 per month. That has been calculatedExcluding government bonds and savings financial products From the ISEE calculation can lead to an increase in the individual allowance of approximately €50 per month for families with an ISEE between €30,000 and €40,000.

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