fall of Babylon culminated in 650 players On steam: The game is available as of today on PC, but if the numbers are these, the launch is likely to be real Disaster.
As you will remember, some time ago we tried the beta version of The Fall of Babylon and the experience turned out to be less exciting than expected: the new title is developed by Platinum Games It seems to have major issues with combat, content, and the internet sector.
“The experience of the fall of Babylon left us with a bad taste in the mouth,” wrote Allegi Commandini. “The game from PlatinumGames still looks the same fetal condition And most anticipated of all, it has a simplified combat system.”
Lacking a title that puts combat at the fore, putting us in command of powerful warriors with special abilities and determined to discover the secrets hidden in the legendary Tower of Babel.
at present Reviews Steam users of Babylon’s Fall are conflicting but lean toward the negative: some talk about a technically outdated product, others repeat the limitations of the combat system, and still others complain about the lack of content.

“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”