Inter, Samardzic’s father chooses another agent: the new scenario | first page

Inter, Samardzic’s father chooses another agent: the new scenario |  first page

It is always, and still is, everything on standby between Inter and Lazar Samargic. Or rather: with the player’s father, who has put negotiations on hold for days because after agreeing on terms – and with the boy who has already undergone treatment – he is trying to re-discuss his salary and commissions. The managers do not want to hear about it, for them the conditions remain the same for weeks and do not change. Now they are waiting for a reply from Mr Samardzic which was already expected two days ago.

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try father – He left the negotiations now, Rafaela Pimenta, who left after the player’s father created this stalemate from which we have not moved at the present time. To open the situation, the player’s father tries to recruit a new agent in the role of mediator: Tolga Derecan, CEO of TDS Sports.the Public Prosecution Agency that also runs Jerome Boateng (currently unemployed) among others.

inside wall Samardzic’s father’s idea is to bring this new number into the deal to renegotiate everything from scratch. Having reached an agreement some time ago, he would like to start from scratch to discuss the new engagement, contract duration and commissions. Inter do not want to hear about it and have already raised a wall, making it clear that they have no intention of sitting down again to start new negotiations.; The terms and details of the contract had already been accepted by all parties when Pimenta was still doing brokerage business, and for the Nerazzurri principals they remain the same. Meanwhile, the days pass and Samardzic-Inter remains a business in the balance: all you need is one last yes – from your father – to close it once and for all.

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