Inter Market – From Paris: Paris Saint-Germain returns to Skriniar, confident of the success of the negotiations

Inter Market – From Paris: Paris Saint-Germain returns to Skriniar, confident of the success of the negotiations

L’QUIPE: Paris Saint-Germain reopens the negotiation for SKRINIAR, confidence in good results
Following coach Galtier’s words about Milan Skriniar in recent days, Paris Saint-Germain is preparing for a new attack for the Slovak defender. According to reports from the French newspaper L’Equipe, in the mind of the sporting director of French club Campos, the Inter position remains the number one target for the market. Therefore, the Paris club is ready to make one last “indispensable” offer and believes in the success of the negotiations. Chairman Al-Khulaifi will lead the discussion. However, Inter refused any new contact with the French club.

DS Bayer: “No intention to buy GOSENS”
“There is no offer from Bayer to buy Gosens and there is no intention to buy it.” Bayer Leverkusen manager Simon Rolfes, in an interview with Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, closed the doors to buying by Robin Gosens. In the last few hours: Inter demanded a commitment to redeem, but the formula did not convince the German club.

All confirmed: Inter says no now! The departure of Robin Gosens to Leverkusen is blocked: Nerazzurri does not negotiate on the basis of a loan offer with a right of redemption and they are willing to discuss only with a redemption obligation in a total deal of 30 million. Bayer has not changed its offer for the time being, the deal is on hold.

PSG is ready to carry out the last attack for SKRINIAR
The words of Galtier, the coach of Paris Saint-Germain, made it clear that the French club had not yet given up on Skriniar’s path. Statements that have already angered Inter but could be accompanied by a new offer to send to the Nerazzurri administration: in France today they write that Paris Saint-Germain could raise the Slovak’s valuation to 65 million euros. However, this number will not be taken into account by the Nerazzurri.

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Robin Gosens’ adventure in Nerazzurri looks set to come to an end after only eight months, and very little has emerged and many expectations are so far unfulfilled. Bayer Leverkusen, in Milan with Market Director Devin Ozyek, is about to close the deal. According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, the German club offered two solutions to Inter: an exchange with 22-year-old Dutchman Mitchell Packer, and formerly Ajax and Paris Saint-Germain worth 20 million, or a loan with the right to redeem. The Nerazzurri has so far rejected both proposals: Marotta asks for a onerous loan of 2/3 million plus a redemption commitment of 28 million. The alternative identified is Borna Sosa, the Croatian left winger born in Stuttgart in 1998: Inter made an offer to the Germans for a stressful loan with the right of redemption with an overall player valuation approaching 20 million.

Maruta please try Inzaghi: stress Zhang for unicorn
The last market hours that promise to be frenetic for Inter’s management. Between today and tomorrow, Marotta and Oselio will try to please Inzaghi’s aggressive demand for a central defense: the name, you know, is Acerbi’s, but the presidential hurdle still had to be overcome with Stephen Chang who was also yesterday. He made a wall in front of his artistic requests. Only the exits of Salcedo and Agoumè (let’s add the exits of the Gosens), can change the layouts of the property. However, with the Lazio defender, everything was done in front of the agreement between the clubs and in terms of participation: a loan with the right to redeem and a salary of about 2 million.

Inzaghi raises her voice: “You need a medium.”
“I don’t know anything about Goossens, more than anything I’m worried because we’re missing a central defender. Zhang fends off an Acerbie? The club knows everything, they know we need to add a player because we have 5 men in defense and we need 6 of them all. The matches that We have to play it. We have a very good guy who needs to grow, Fontanarossa, but he wasn’t a regular player in Primavera either. I need to add an extra player.” These are the words of Simone Inzaghi after the victory over Cremonese.

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While waiting to better define Gosens’s future, Inter are already considering his possible replacement. Indeed, the Nerazzurri set their sights on Borna Sosa, Stuttgart’s left winger born in 1998. The Croatian is aiming for a stressful loan with a right of redemption.

Even against Cremonese, Robin Gosens should start from the bench and in the last two days of the market the Germans could leave Milan and Inter. Indeed, in the last hours there was so much interest from Bayer Leverkusen in the winger, who arrived in January from Atalanta, that according to Sky reports, the German club’s envoys had arrived in Milan to meet Inter and make a match. Official offer of a onerous loan with a recovery commitment of 28 million euros.

Manchester City shot for Akanji: ‘Close deal’
They are safe in England: Manuel Akanji is one step away from Manchester City. according to UK Sports Citizens will be close to agreeing with Dortmund to bring the Swiss defender to the prime minister already in this market session, although the contract expires in 2023. The Gialonieri will receive 17.5 million euros. Inter therefore risk another joke in the extreme.

Skriniar, PSG technician: “It’s nothing more than that. It’s difficult but there are still 48 hours”
Psg-Skriniar is not over yet. French coach Christophe Galtier said clearly: “I can’t tell you that it’s all over, it’s been in our sights for a long time. Negotiating with Inter is difficult but there are 48 hours until the market closes, everything is fine. It is still possible.”

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From France: Al-Khelaifi does not give in to decoration
According to Footmarket, there is still room for PSG’s latest attack on Milan Skriniar: Galtier wants the Slovakian and now Al-Khelaifi himself would have taken measures to bring the defender to Paris. Aside from the player’s inconvertibility, which Marotta himself reiterated, there is still a stumbling block in the numbers: PSG didn’t want to go above 55m given the contract expiring in 2023, Inter have always maintained that they want it in at least 70 -80 million (and working on renewal).

In order for Aserbe to arrive, you need to say goodbye to Salcedo and get up
Stephen Zhang’s response was no no to Acerbe, but the clear position was repeated for Marotta and Oselio: before a new entry, exits for Salcedo and Agumi are needed. The amount of wages will have to be reduced, so only after these two goodbyes will it be possible to please Inzaghi and bring Acerbi to Milan. The Inter administration has until Thursday to complete the necessary operations.

DS BORUSSIA DORTMUND: “Akanji? To be decided on Wednesday”
For Sky90 microphones, yellow and black Sebastian Keel evaluated Manuel Akanji’s condition. The defender is out of the team for transfer reasons, and Inter are also among the contenders. “At the moment we don’t have anything on the table, and nothing has been decided. However, I think something will be done in the next few days. We still have time until Thursday, until the market closes. Although I I think things will be decided already Tuesday. Or Wednesday, because in the context of the transfer, medical examinations and two or three other things have to be done.”

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