In the dark year of Covid, independent incomes more than doubled compared to employees. Only 4% declare more than 70,000 euros

In the dark year of Covid, independent incomes more than doubled compared to employees.  Only 4% declare more than 70,000 euros

Somewhat noticeable decline in all major median incomes

All major average incomes show a fairly significant decrease: from -11% of business income, to -10% of participation income, -8.6% of self-employment, while the decline in income from self-employment is more contained. work (-1.6%); Median retirement income is an exception, rising 2%. Regarding the number of taxpayers, there was an increase in the number of pensioners (more than 58,000 additional people, + 0.4%), the effect of which The “100 quota” mechanism (Law 26/2019) which temporarily provided for the fulfillment of retirement requirements. On the other hand, the number of employees decreased (about 287,000 less); More specifically, the decrease in the number of permanent workers was 0.4%, while those working on fixed-term contracts decreased by 3.8%. In 2020, the amount of income from buildings subject to ordinary taxation amounted to 24.8 billion euros, a decrease of 5.3% compared to the previous year, also due to the increase in the use of alternative taxes (the so-called “dry coupon”) .

Regional average surcharge, in Lazio highest value: €630

The regional surcharge for personal income tax is about 12 billion euros in 2020 (-2.6% compared to 2019). The average regional surcharge is 420 euros. The highest value was recorded in Lazio (630 euros), and the lowest value was found in Sardinia (270 euros). On the other hand, the municipal additional cost is about 5 billion euros, down 1.6% compared to 2019, with an average of 200 euros, which varies from a maximum of 260 euros in Lazio, to a minimum. Worth €90 in the Aosta Valley.

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VAT revenue: turnover 3.1 billion euros, down 10.2%

About 4.2 million taxpayers filed a value-added tax return for tax year 2020, a slight increase compared to the previous year (+0.3%). In tax year 2020, we are clearly facing a very special year, in which there is a noticeable shrinkage of key VAT figures, such as turnover, both at the aggregate level and in every type of report. Purchases, tax base and applicable value-added tax, due to the impact of the health emergency on the Italian economy. The reported turnover in tax year 2020, 3,195 billion euros, a decrease of 10.2%. About 60% of the turnover is made up of taxable transactions, equivalent to 1,896 billion euros (-10.2% compared to 2019). in detail, Divide the assets that comprise it Travel agencies, organization and management of tours, tour operators and activities of tour guides suffered a decline of more than 73% in turnover; In that which includes air or space transportation of passengers or cargo, the contraction was 61%, while the provision of accommodation for short-term visitors and travelers showed a decrease of more than 50%.

The activities of parcel transport and delivery, architectural and engineering companies are increasing

So far, those who have been overwhelmed by the restrictive measures put in place to stem the race for infection in the midst of the pandemic. However, there is another side of the coin: Mef Monitoring records an increase in the section covering postal services and courier activities such as parcel collection, transportation and delivery (+40%), following the intensification of remote trade. The more than 45% increase announced in the section that includes the activities of architecture and engineering firms appears to be related to Irpef’s new tax incentives, such as a “facade bonus” and first interventions for “super energy bonuses”.

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In Sardinia the most noticeable decrease in the volume of business (-33.6%)

Regarding the regional distribution of turnover, the first two regions in terms of the number of registered people (Lombardy and Lazio) contribute about 46% of the total national turnover and both show a negative variance equal to, respectively, 9.7% and -15.6%, while the most pronounced decrease in turnover was announced Business in Sardinia (-33.6%), a region where tourism-related activities have an important share. For the tax year 2020, the value-added tax for the period was €101.6 billion, down 7.3% compared to the previous year, with a tax base of €650.1 billion (-9.4%).

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