In Los Angeles, Cassata 50 Kilo is the Sicilian ambassador to the United States

In Los Angeles, Cassata 50 Kilo is the Sicilian ambassador to the United States

22 October 2023, 01:02

2′ Reading

Los Angeles (USA) – Sicilian cassata travels around the world telling the colors and flavors of Sicily. After Palermo’s “Four Songs,” downtown Los Angeles was the setting for a cooking demonstration by master pastry chef Giovanni Catalano of Oscar’s Pastry Shop. Sponsored by the Municipality of Palermo, and in the presence of Joe Buscaino, Mayor of Los Angeles, Chairman of the Productive Activities Committee of the Sicilian Regional Assembly Gaspare Vetrano, members of the Drago family, Italian restaurateurs and among many businessmen, a Sicilian cassata weighing more than 50 kilograms was manufactured.

Farchi: “The Sicilian agri-food brand is growing”

“Palermo has been perfectly present in Los Angeles as a symbol of gastronomic traditions and, in particular, the Palermo Patisserie that is now famous all over the world. We strongly support all initiatives that increase the brand value of Sicilian and Italian agri-food – says Carolina Varchi. Deputy Mayor of Fratelli d’Italia and Deputy Mayor of Palermo – this event reaffirms the importance of our culinary traditions abroad. Cuisine is one of the pillars of our tradition, a sign of our history, and that is why I believe that any initiative capable of preserving and renewing this intangible heritage should be commended. “The personal and professional history of Chef Celestino Drago makes him an ambassador of taste, and I am pleased that he has chosen to promote the icon of Palermo’s pastry industry: the cassata.”

Sicilian delegation in the United States of America

“Our presence in Los Angeles where we led a delegation of 72 food and craft companies participating in the Nexxtexpo Made in Italy – adds Davide Morisi, from Iocomprosiciliano – could not fail to include a cassata event, a moment of assembly, a tribute to our traditions that contribute to making “Made In Sicily “known and appreciated throughout the world”.

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Published on

22 October 2023, 01:02

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