In Delfini “Science to eat” an appointment to discover food for future events in Modena

In Delfini “Science to eat” an appointment to discover food for future events in Modena

“The future is on the plate”, how the Earth will be able to support food production for a population that will reach 9 billion people in 2050, is the theme of the new appointment with “Science to Eat”, scheduled for Friday 18 November, at 6.30pm at the Bibliotheca Delfini in Modena.

The protagonists of the meeting, with free admission, are the biologist Mauro Mandrioli, professor of genetics and director of the UniMoRe Digitag laboratory, and the agronomist, journalist and writer Antonio Pascal.

Together, Mandrioli, author of “Nine Billion on the Table. Drones, Big Data and Genomics for Agriculture 4.0”, and Pascal, author of “Pane e Pace. Food, Progress and Nostalgic Knowledge” and “Un Orto al Centro. Educating for Sustainability”, They will talk about agriculture (a human process so that it does not contain anything ‘natural’), about how humans have always domesticated and selected plants to make them better food, how this selection has been accelerated thanks to improvements in laboratory techniques and scientific innovation and how the development of agricultural technologies can help ensure Produce food for the ever-growing humanity that lives on a planet that cannot be expanded.

The appointment is part of the “Science to Eat” programme, the month of science promoted by the Libraries and Historical Archives of the Municipality of Modena, in collaboration with UniMoRe, dedicated this year, specifically, to food with the aim of discovering and telling the sometimes unpredictable relationships between culinary practice and scientific theory.

From cooking techniques to the combination of ingredients, from the legacy of tradition to the surprises of a food future that is already very close, “Science to Eat” offers an excursion for adults and children, consisting of meetings, observations and experiments, guided by the best experts.

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