In Città della Scienza with agronomists “Food has a history. food is culture

In Città della Scienza with agronomists “Food has a history.  food is culture
In Città della Scienza with agronomists “Food has a history.  food is culture
Science City Event

by Marco Milano

Two days of meetings, comparisons and stories through the Agricultural Institutes of Campania in Naples in Citta della Senza. Appointments that will highlight the global reality of food production with a session dedicated to “Food in the Global Production System.” Emphasis on wheat. But not only. Ideally, the comparison of world production and the reduction or expansion of premium production, but also the concept of “food distribution fairness”, fits perfectly with the theater tables. In addition, the event organized by the school office will witness Regional in Campania and City of Science Gianfranco Nappi (City of Science) Fabrizio Mangone (UNINA urban planner), Gabriel Riccardi (Department of Medicine of UNINA) and Antonio Pellegrino (Cooperative Terre di Resilienza Report) on the topic “Food has a History. Food is a culture.” At the center of attention will be the “cultural root of the development of food production and gastronomy” but also its “practical and symbolic values.” Also in the forefront of the “Mediterranean diet” is its history and “primacy.” The same site also for “Food in the ecological transformation of the economy and society.” . new quality standards. The speakers are Stefania Di Pascal (Department of Agriculture, UNINA), Federico Invasili, (Department of Veterinary Medicine, UNINA), Roberto Rubino (ANFOSC). We will discuss the reality of combating climate change and the impact of agriculture but also “production in harmony with nature”. And also more space for “food production and health.

Ettore Acerra General Manager USR Campania
Ettore Acerra General Manager USR Campania

Nutrition and the Future.” Medicine, pharmacology, veterinary medicine, nutrition, nutraceuticals, and chemistry will be the passwords for thinking about the effects of food, quality of life, and human health. The topic of intensive and non-intensive agriculture from Ansel Keys studies to date will also be addressed. A workshop is also planned. Seminar with key figures.The report will be presented by Pasquale Strazzolo (President of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition), Alberto Retini (Department of Pharmacology), Maria Grazia Volpi (Institute of Nutritional Sciences, CNR), Lorenzo Di Guglielmo (Molino Bencivenga).Finally, Alex Giordano will present (Unina Ministry of Agriculture), Francesco Nardone (Futuredia), Gibes Revello (Gibis Bottega) and Lucio Iaccarino (Hobbits) report on “Innovation and digital for sustainability and a new market for steam development.” At the end of the first day, the General Assembly held a report on the work of the individual groups of the axes. Thematic intervention by the coordinators of work tables, teachers and students, Massimo Cavalier, (Director General of the City of Science), Fabrizio Marzano, (President of Confagricoltura Campania), Ettore Acerra, (Director General of the Office of the School of K. Regional Ambania).

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City of Science Naples
City of Science Naples

The second day with “Stories of experiences and products” with final tastings and closing synthesis interventions on the topic “A center for orientation and educational competence to enhance the training offer of agricultural and hotel institutes in Campania” by Riccardo Villari, (President of Città della Scienza), Mariella Passari, (Director General of the Department of Agriculture at Campania Region), Luigi Nicolaes, (Chairman of Materiaas and Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the City of Science), Gennaro Maciello, (President of Coldiretti Campania)), Danilo Ercolini, (Director of the Department of Agriculture, UNINA), Nicola Caputo, (Advisor of the Campania Region of Agriculture), Armida Filippelli (Campania District Education Counsellor), Ettore Assira, (Director General of the Campania Regional School Office).

October 18-19 – Science City

Via Corolio, 104 and 57 – Naples

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