Imola, 15th version of “Le Case della Scienza” revolves around the sun

Imola, 15th version of “Le Case della Scienza” revolves around the sun

un Eventful calendar is back to move the month of March in Imola thanks to the event Science housesa review focusing on the importance of spreading scientific and technological culture.
almanac fifteenth edition, Scheduled from March 18 to 26On topic: under the sun.
Many visions and paths of information dedicated to our star, its effects on terrestrial forms of life, and our inseparable bond with its energy.
“The purpose of this event is not just to address a segment of enthusiasts but to try to make content that we often feel can be used far, even to the general public – explains the culture consultant, Giacomo Gambi -. This is why the many laboratories, designed to bring the audience closer The youngster of scientific subjects, supported by informative conferences and guided tours.Science should not scare us, but it should increasingly become a useful tool for understanding and analyzing the complexity of reality.This year’s theme is shared with many facts that enrich the event program and give us many ideas: After all, the sun is the main hero in our life ».

After the initial Ceas on the morning of Sunday 12 March which anticipates the event with the activity “When the sun lights up the wood. Stories in the spring forest”, the following weekend (18/19 March) Kermis comes alive by proposing activities dedicated to children, and in parallel , opportunities for in-depth study also for a broader audience.
The full program will be available on the municipality’s institutional websites and on the Imola Cultura portal.
The parade was organized by the Municipality of Imola and was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Metropolitan City of Bologna with the support of HERA SpA and the Cassa di Risparmio di Imola Foundation.

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