If a young child still has some difficulties with their first few words, science explains what they might need

If a young child still has some difficulties with their first few words, science explains what they might need

A study conducted by experts from the Center for the Mind and Brain of the University of California in Oakland revealed a surprising fact.

The US team’s work has been published in Current Biology and addresses an issue that worries many parents. With these new findings, it will be easy to understand that there are many factors that contribute to a child’s learning processes.

It happens, in fact, that the child, who should begin to elaborate the first words about the year of life, reaches this milestone a little later. Some children may also have difficulty learning to talk about their peers.

A very common situation that should not cause much concern and often resolves itself naturally. However, if a young child still has some difficulties with the first few words, science explains what they may need.

Lo studio su Current Biology

The results of the work indicate that children who benefit from long hours of quiet rest at night develop better and learn to speak earlier. In fact, good sleep helps young ones learn new words. Scientists have devised a very special way to do this research and find these results.

In fact, experts primarily found a series of quite innovative words to call two things and two dolls. Then they taught them to forty children between the ages of two and three. After a few minutes, make sure the kids have memorized the new terms.

If a young child still has some difficulties with their first few words, science explains what they might need

Then they repeated the same test a week later, then asked the children to take a nap. While the children were sleeping, they examined themisomagnetic, which indicates brain activity.

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During this sleep, the experts had the children listen to the innovative words they had recently learned, along with other real words they had previously known.

In this way, by examining the data, they found that when young patients listened to newly learned inventive words, the hippocampus and the medial anterior temporal lobe were activated in their brains.

These are the areas of the brain that have the task of fixing more and more in memory the words we have just learned. In short, sleep helps you learn to speak better and faster. For this, experts recommend that the little ones always rest in the best way.

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