“I have Covid, the dreaded double red line has arrived. Get a vaccine, this thing is incredibly contagious” – Corriere.it

“I have Covid, the dreaded double red line has arrived. Get a vaccine, this thing is incredibly contagious” – Corriere.it
From Simona Marchetti

Quinn’s guitarist told Instagram that he and wife Anita Dobson fell ill after going to a friend’s birthday party, where everyone in attendance had swabs and tested negative.

They thought they were cautious and were in a safe bubble, as friends present at Christmas lunch earlier this month had both taken the test and tested negative. But something went wrong and Brian May and his wife Anita Dobson took Covid. This was revealed by the Queen’s guitarist himself In an Instagram postWhere he showed his followers the device with the “dreaded double red line”, which indicates the positive test.

“The shocking day has finally come for me – wrote May on the social network -. The dreaded double red line. And yes, put aside sympathy please, it’s been really bad days, but I’m fine. I will continue to tell you how I am. But please be very careful out there.” , good people. This thing is incredibly transmissible. I don’t think you want to spoil Christmas. With love – wild.” As promised, in the days after the announcement, the musician kept fans up to date on the progression of the disease and beyond. Optimistic first video, in which he improvised a guitar solo, posted a second, explaining instead how he and his wife, Anita – whom May himself identified as “Warrior” – contracted the virus.

“Last Saturday we decided to go for a birthday lunch. The situation seemed safe, everyone present had negative tests… – Legend Queen said in the section – Where could it be wrong? We thought we were in a safe bubble, so we didn’t use masks.” However, two days later, he and his wife started showing symptoms of Covid. “We did the tests and it was negative, and then I heard that eight people present at that party tested positive, so we took a test and it turned out we had the virus. I had two horrific days, with the worst flu you can imagine, but I think it could have been worse. If I don’t get the vaccine and the booster. That’s why I beg you to go get vaccinated, if you haven’t already, because you need help.”

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His latest status update came from Sunday night to Monday, when May A short video showing another positive testWhile he said in the long accompanying post that his battle against the virus “is still ongoing” and that his cough has returned, before recommending everyone to be careful again. “Use a mask, maintain social distancing, have common sense and don’t go indoors with other people unless you’re sure it’s worth it.”

Dec 20 2021 (change on Dec 20, 2021 | 13:56)

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