La relació entre nutrició i salut és evident, i el seu impacte en la pell i el cabell no és una excepció. Mantindre una dieta equilibrada i nutritiva pot ser la clau per a preservar la salut capil·lar i evitar la calvicie. Saps com l’alimentació pot influir? Hi ha certs consells farmacèutics i recomanacions que et poden ajudar a per a previndre la pèrdua de cabell.
It is possible to impair the mechanism by which SARS-CoV-2 causes ischemic stroke, a complication that greatly increases the risk of death and that affects 20% of the most severe cases. The key is in a receptor present on platelets to which the virus binds, and which can now be blocked. discovery, published Reported in […]
What is bruxism?Proxy, as Dr. Javier Gonzalez LagunasHead of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Quirónsalud Hospital in Barcelona, defines it as the involuntary habit of clenching or grinding the teeth continuously over time and without functional purpose. Bruxists can make two types of movements: either they grind their teeth violently against each […]
The tenth edition of the Communications Festival, from September 7 to 10 in Camogli, will be dedicated to the theme of memory and will bring together UniGe, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, the IiT of Genoa and the great champions of the scientific world to discuss new discoveries, emerging technologies and cultural influences. How […]