How it works and how you can order it

How it works and how you can order it

The bonus for sun shade and blinds, known as the roller shutter bonus, was renewed under the Budget Act 2022 and allows you to take a 50% tax deduction on the purchase of systems that protect homes from solar radiation, including blinds, blinds or shutters. Let’s find out how the bonus works and which categories of people will have access to it.

How it works and how you can order it

Among the ways to get a cool house, there is not only air conditioning, which should always be used in moderation, but also Correct use of blindsAnd the Window or window blinds And dark, which can be the same Helpful in maintaining the right temperature in a sustainable way and without wasting energyAvoid that the sun coming from outside will overheat the home environment.

Roller shutters bonus 2022: How they work

Window or window blinds

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If you want to change or install these devices, you can take advantage of Blinds Reward 2022renewable benefit with The last budget law for the three-year period 2022-2024allowing you to Cut 50% of the costs of purchasing systems capable of blocking sunlight.

More precisely, I’m talking to you about bonus solar shields and close the blackout al 50%: Below you can understand how it works, how to get the discount and what requirements the discount should cover on the installed devices.

The Bonus 50% off sunscreen and blackout plugalso known as Bonus roller shutters, is an attachment that is part of the so-called EcoBounce You are allowed save 50%, Through the tax deduction, on the purchase of curtains, blinds and curtains purchased fromFrom January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. In other words, the file bonus Covers different interventions that allow a Energy improvement from the apartment, Protect it from the summer heat And the Reducing At the same time the need to use systems conditioning.

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there The discount is not related to the purchase of fixturesso it will be enough Purchase and installation of one of the classified equipment How solar shields or blackout closures, namely: internal blinds, awnings, sunscreens, external venetian blinds, facade blinds, roller blinds, blinds, blinds, and roller blinds.

Roller Shutter Bonus 2022: What are the requirements and how to get them


To take advantage of Blinds Reward 2022The solar shields o Installed blackout shutters must comply with the following characteristics:

– It should be applied integrally with the building envelope, so that it cannot be freely assembled and disassembled by the user
Glass surfaces must be protected
– Must be installed indoors, outdoors, or integrated into the glass surface itself
They must be mobile
– Should be “technical” armor
Must comply with national and local laws or regulations related to safety and energy efficiency

before making a file Interventions to be deducted with a 50% bonusremember this The facilitation covers expenses related to the purchase of appliances that involve energy optimizationso you will not be able to get the discount, for example, for Simple replacement of blinds or blinds. Also, you will need to take into account spending limitsfixed in Maximum €60,000 for the entire intervention Per real estate unit, for one person The maximum cost of the shield is 230 euros per square meter.

Once Report expenses incurred to purchase solar shading or close the opacity, you will get it The discount offered by the roller shutter bonus straight into your statement RevenuesAcross IRPEF 50% off In 10 equal installments over 10 years.

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