How do we face winter in peace?

How do we face winter in peace?

For those who choose to buy pellet stoves, there is now a bonus. Then come on! Let’s go and find out what it is and how to face the winter that quietly awaits us!

With the onset of the cold season, providing room heating has become a priority, but the constant increases in gas prices really scare Italian families. For this reason, many have chosen alternative heating systems to conventional gas boilers.

How do we face winter in peace?

Among the most famous heating systems used in recent years, we undoubtedly find pellet stoves. A green option that oozes environmental sustainability but isn’t exactly cheap. In fact, the cost of purchasing such devices is higher than other solutions.

Just to give an idea, the cost of an air pellet stove is between 1500 and 3000 euros. While the purchase price increases if it is a hydroponic system. In this case we are talking about numbers between 2500 and 4000 euros depending on the size of the device.

In addition to the purchase cost, the costs to be incurred for the system (about 200-300 euros), the costs of building the chimney (on average 30 euros per square meter) and finally the purchase costs of the granules themselves (a 15-kg bag costs between 10 and 15 euros).

However, with the aim of encouraging the use of environmental and low-impact CO2 heating products, there are many rewards and incentives to purchase pellet stoves. That’s what it is.

As for the purchase of pellet stoves, there are two possible discounts to use:

  • 65% with Ecobonus with a maximum of 30 thousand euros. This incentive is intended for energy redevelopment interventions for properties already registered in the Land Registry or with registration procedures in progress.
  • 50% of the cost in case of building renovation, up to a maximum of 96 thousand euros. In this case, the efficiency of the burner should not be less than 70%.
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However, the 2022 pellet stove bonus is not for everyone. In fact, the prerequisite is that the system be purchased and installed by December 31, 2022.

Additional pellet stoves 2022, Lombardy region

In order to encourage the use of pellet stoves, the Lombardy region has also allocated a grant of €12 million. Of these, 10 million are allocated to individuals and a million each to organizations in the third sector and small and medium-sized enterprises.


The bonus application must be submitted by September 15th, but it is not a bonus for everyone. In fact, only those who submitted an application to the GSE for the contribution expected by Art. 4, paragraph 2, Letter B, of the Ministerial Resolution of February 16, 2016, after the Regional Council approved this measure (November 30, 2021).

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