He collaborated with his great friend Mario Tommasini

He collaborated with his great friend Mario Tommasini

Psychiatrist Franco Rutelli, one of the champions of psychological reform in Italy, and perhaps the main collaborator of Franco Passaglia, has died. He was 80 years old.
Rotelli was director of the Psychiatric Hospital in Trieste from 1979 to 1995, contributing to its revolutionary transformation. After that he became general manager of the health company Trieste, and then moved for a short time to Caserta, where he was director of the health company. He was also a Fvg regional advisor with the Democratic Party. Then Rotelli returned to Trieste, where he died after a short illness. A forward-looking man with broad horizons, those who have worked and lived with him describe him as determined and capable of linking even visionary innovations with certain coordination skills capable of bringing them to fruition.
Born in Casamaggiore, in the province of Cremona, he was one of the architects of the Passaglia Revolt. He graduated in medicine from the University of Parma, where he specialized in the Clinic of Neurological and Mental Diseases in 1969. In 1971 he was approached by Passaglia himself (at that time the director of the psychiatric hospital in Parma) to work on his team. and it was Passaglia himself, when Rutelli followed him to Trieste, who entrusted him with the charge of an important part of the psychiatric hospital in this province. Then Rotelli won the preliminary competition in 1973 when he was only thirty years old. Franco Rutelli, recognized heir to Passaglia, worked closely (and also became a great friend) with Mario Tommasini: champions of the “Pasaglia Law” (the law that allowed the closure of asylums, the demolition of any “wall”, the separation and institutionalization of mental health, but she did not expect to give up people with mental health problems). Ideas, project and law designed in parma. Rotelli and Tommasini have also implemented initiatives in Greece, Brazil and the Dominican Republic. Certificates of affection and appreciation have arrived from several quarters (the scientific, political and social world).

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