Govt-19 in Quebec reports 778 Quebec cases and an increase in hospital admissions

Govt-19 in Quebec reports 778 Quebec cases and an increase in hospital admissions

(Montreal) After a slight decline the previous day, the epidemic peaked in Quebec in recent months.

According to data released by the Ministry of Health on Sunday, 778 new cases have been identified since the previous report. This is the peak from May 19th. There have been 392,810 cases since the onset of the epidemic.

Sante-Quebec indicates that 530 of these 778 new cases were not vaccinated or did not receive their first dose 14 days ago. One hundred and sixty-eight newly infected, or 21.6% of new cases, received two doses for at least seven days.

In the last seven days, the average number of new cases is 628.

A new death toll has been added to the death toll. We now condemn the 11,193 deaths linked to Govt-19 since its appearance in Quebec.

The situation is relatively stable in hospitals where the number of patients has risen from 147 to 149. However, there are 56 people in the intensive care unit, four more than the previous day.

However, the number of active eruptions increased from 296 to 303.

A total of 18,888 were analyzed on September 3rd. The positive ratio fell to two tenths of a point to 3.2.

Officials also pointed out that a total of more than 12.5 million doses of 22,161 vaccines, including 15,638 second doses, were administered in the last 24 hours.

The percentage of 12-year-olds and older who received the first dose is still 87%. Approximately 80% of the Quebec population is reported to have received the second dose.

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“Anyone who is not vaccinated will be 28 times more likely to be hospitalized if they contract COVID-19, which will help reassure those who are still hesitant,” Health Minister Christian Dube commented on Twitter.

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