Govit-19: 579 new cases reported in Quebec

Govit-19: 579 new cases reported in Quebec

Quebec added 579 new COVID-19 cases in its report on Sunday, while the number of hospital admissions due to the virus was low.

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Public health in that province has counted at least 600 daily cases in the past three days. On Saturday, the number of hospital admissions increased by five, but returned the day before Sunday (126, -5).

The last 24 hours did not include any deaths in the statistics and saw a small decline in the number of patients requiring intensive care (36, -2).

On Twitter, the Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dube, said the vaccine helped control the hospital rate in the province, although the delta variant was highly contagious.

On the same date last year, at the start of the second wave, Quebec recorded 122 new cases and 112 were hospitalized due to COVID-19.

“Delta is highly contagious, which leads to five times more cases, while ensuring that the vaccine is admitted to the hospital. It is encouraging!” Dubai said.

Outcomes of the epidemic in Quebec now show 388,413 infections and 11,285 deaths.

In neighboring Ontario, health officials said 740 cases of Govt-19 had been added to a total of 564,331 infections since March 2020. Both deaths are included in the statistics.

Of the new cases, 551 were not fully vaccinated.

Saskatchewan was the only state to update its numbers on Sunday. One death and 258 new cases have been reported.

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Situation in Canada:

Ontario: 564,331 cases (9,498 deaths)

Quebec: 388,413 cases (11,285 deaths)

Alberta: 248,954 cases (2,364 deaths)

British Columbia: 163,560 cases (1,807 deaths)

Manitoba: 58,506 cases (1,189 deaths)

Saskatchewan: 53,875 cases (598 deaths)

Nova Scotia: 5,999 cases (94 deaths)

New Brunswick: 2,721 cases (46 deaths)

Newfoundland and Labrador: 1,469 cases (7 deaths)

Yukon: 684 cases (8 deaths)

Nunavut: 658 cases (4 deaths)

Northwest Territories: 400 cases (1 death)

Prince Edward Island: 230 cases

Canadian Returnees: 13 cases

Total: 1,489,813 (26,901 deaths)

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