Goodbye Telepass, finally we will no longer have to give them our money: a gift for all motorists

Goodbye Telepass, finally we will no longer have to give them our money: a gift for all motorists

Finally, there is good news, especially for all those who use the Telepass service frequently and regularly. A lot of money is expected to be saved thanks to the news we are about to give you. It seems the days when Telepass payments were like tax are over.

Among the typical expenses of a motorist there is definitely Telepass systemNot all of them, of course, but many benefit from them. The latter was always like a tax, at a predetermined price, for individual transit at booth numberas well as Subscriptions. Now it seems that the situation has finally changed.

Goodbye Telepass, finally we will no longer have to give them our money: a gift for all motorists
Electronic toll area Telepass –

first part of they change They actually arrived last spring, and now they seem to have taken over Developments interesting. In fact, since last spring, this Unipolwell-known insurance company, made king entrance In the electronic fee market, which already puts the sector in a certain competition, which would have done nothing but bring benefits to the consumer. Currentlywith the ‘entrance Also by the brand Money Joeit creates a truly competitive market, using More obvious advantages For the user who wants to log in.

This is not only because of the terms of the show that MooneyGo is preparing to debut, but for general market conditions Which, on a general level, will undoubtedly differ. The brand is managed by bank MoneySpecialized in the field of electronic payments. Recently submitted a file VR46 . Carddedicated to the hero Valentino Rossi. The company is already in the mobility sector, thanks toMyCicero . appthat you can Pay for parkingThe app was discovered and launched in 2020. Now, it is preparing to continue along the path taken as a market operator in electronic fee collection.

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Conditions that will arise for users of new electronic fees

Mooney’s brand preparing to enter the electronic graphic sector –

wait for for the first time For the new company, in the meantime it becomes known that the same focus on noodlesAmong its undisputed strengths. In fact, MooneyGo branded electronic toll collection device can be ordered 45,000 points of sale, between bars and tobacco sellers. It’s also a file reliable agentin terms of competitiveness, especially if we take into account the fact that it arose from the merger that took place in 2019, between SisalPay And the Bank 5the last of the Intesa San Paolo collection.

Moreover, at the end of July, EnelX and San Paolo . Agreement they have discoverer completely quota company. What promises the user yes Competitive pricesbut also “flexibleThis is what was extracted from the CEO’s statement Emilio Petroni. Therefore, this flexibility will surely ensure that a driver who intends to order MooneyGo’s services has a range of options in front of him. choiceseach for a specific need.

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