Girona celebrates European Music Day with a festive day and 420 artists

Girona celebrates European Music Day with a festive day and 420 artists

Photos of Music Day in GironaAniol Recyclosa


Alternative rock, blues, jazz, pop, swing, gospel, folk, ska, electronic, reggae, soul, post-punk or choral singing. A true mix of different musical genres to commemorate European Music Day, a day dedicated to defending and promoting music as the universal language of humanity, has been established in Girona for a few years now as an opportunity for many young groups aspiring to make themselves known. this year, Viu21Música participated in the competition between 45 formations and bands and a total of 420 artists Who were able to submit their proposals in a total of thirteen different scenarios.

The European Music Day celebration in Girona began on Friday at around five in the afternoon, from Pont de Piedra, with a performance by Girona Marxing Band Which, after passing through La Rambla, Carrer Ballesteries and Plaça de Sant Feliu, reached Plaça dels Jurats, traditionally one of the busiest stages of the event. At this location, in the center of the old city that gradually filled up by the evening, a country-inspired rock quintet played Judy Cashpost punk Double shame Or indie and alternative rock by groups like Mammut, Peter Bank, Strings Attached, Ojos Pardos or Los Berlingo.

Another stage that gathered a large number of people was the Sunset Jazz Club stage. In this space there were appointments Combo jove sariart, combo señor sant feliu de guixolsTriple Swamp advocates Oh L Sunset jazzUnder the supervision of a saxophonist Ramon Cardo.

Other stages have also attracted the attention of the public, such as Casa de Cultura, which focuses, as every year, on choral music. They were there Singlelot and Salvadora Catta and Musicande choirs and the vocal group The New Flappers. A short distance away, the Mercy Cultural Center was the stage where music schools performed, while Pont de Trobada, on the Rambla, gathered many passers-by who were able to enjoy alternative pop music. Mapapai, Emma Sayer or Rampell i Buferathe quintessential 70s rock hot drinks Or the rhythms of a Jamaican quartet Mana koi mo.

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Great little scenes

They evolved in a more aggregated environment Open piano sessions in the civic centers of Barry Vale and St Narcissus. Finally, it was also possible to enjoy a concert by Zantica Choir. Music has also been heard at Plaça Jordi de Sant Jordi by the pop-rock duo of Gerard Solano Saints Fontclarain a concert organized by Barry Phil Mercadal Neighbors Associationand in Guingueta Park, in the Fontajau area, with EvangelicalsThis is in an event that falls within the main festival program being held these days.

Day off for music He also enjoyed notable acceptance with his film scripts Midday GardenWhere is it? De reggae sound system Organized by the association Rises; Disc jockey session organized by L‘Horizon Society’ at Skatepark Parc Mas Masó The sound system, music and power, with heavy doses of electronics, are from Vista Alegre Park.

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