Ghost of Tsushima on PC puts its hands first: no single-player PSN

There are only a few days left until Also debuts on PC to Ghost of Tsushimaa first-party title from Sony that arrived during 2020 on PS4, and later with The director snapped On PS5 – now expected May 16 on PC.

Game Sucker punch It’s part of the Japanese company’s plan to expand its player base into the PC world, which – as evidenced by – is working fairly well Cases like that Hell Divers 2The numbers were astonishing.

However, specifically terrible communications management Hell Divers 2 It certainly caused a light bulb to go off in Sucker Punch’s head, which is what she rushed to do today Put a point “i”.To catch Ghost of Tsushima Far from the controversies affecting Arrowhead’s game.

In these hours, in fact, the promised decision was made to force players on Steam to also have a PlayStation Network account to play Hell Divers 2 It has become a reality, and has sparked many debates, between those who do not want to do it because of the inconvenience, those who fear the security of PSN accounts – which are considered non-existent compared to Steam accounts – and those who physically, due to their geographical location, He does not have the ability to have a profile on PlayStation Network.

In the face of these doubts, for now Sony doesn’t have an answer yet And those who have purchased the game but can’t create a PSN profile don’t know what to do.

So, here is the official Sucker Punch account explaining it You won’t need a PSN account to play the single-player game Ghost of Tsushima on the computer. However, it will be useful if you want to play online multiplayer mode Myths.

As we read in the tweet:

“Just so you know, a PSN account is required for online multiplayer in Legends and to use the PlayStation overlay.

It is not needed To play a single player game.”

So, in short, you want to enjoy the countryside Ghost of TsushimaYou won’t have to switch to a PlayStation Network account first: you can simply purchase the game, download it, and play without further hassle.

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For more information about Ghost of Tsushimawhich you can also find at Discount on Instant gamesWe recommend the full video review.

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