“Gaita Brilla”. The new STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) of Il Cielo Itinerante

“Gaita Brilla”.  The new STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) of Il Cielo Itinerante

GAETA – October 25, 2021. Il Cielo Itinerante, the association was founded on February 12 with the aim of bringing girls and boys in educational fragility closer to the study of STEM subjects (STEM), today committed to the goal of making Italy the European country in which he saw more children Heaven, Arrived in Gaeta, with STEM Camp Gaeta Brilla, October 25-29.

This morning, in the Gaeta Municipal Council Chamber, the press conference for
Presentation of the initiative in the presence of Gaeta Mayor Cosmo Mitrano and Acqualatina President Michele Lauriola. Ersilia Vaudo Scarpetta, ESA’s Chief Diversity Officer and President of the Association, participated in a video conference from Paris. Also present were Vice Mayor Angelo Magliozzi, Mayor’s Delegate for Relations with National and International Bodies Roberta Castini, Acqualatina General Manager Marco Lombardi and Acqualtina’s Director of Communications Loredana Leccese, and Space42 Europe CEO, Fulvio Marelli.

“Gaita, with its history, the generosity of its people, and its unique geographical position that merges the sea and horizon with its landscape, knows the value of curiosity as an engine of knowledge and openness to the world – said Ersilia Vodo Scarpita, originally from Gaeta and STEM field promoter Gaeta Brilla. The stage of Gaeta, post 2021 STEM FIELDS of Milan, Brindisi and Forcella, part of the project that arose out of the Forcella Brilla 2020 experiment in collaboration with Space42 Europe, in which Il Cielo Itinerante intends to offer five days of exposure to science through first-hand experiences in specific topics, with three hours of science activities Technology, Engineering and Mathematics daily with a strong practical component.Days when girls and boys will also have the opportunity to participate in meetings with experts and other fun activities, which will be an opportunity to recover and learn about scientific disciplines in a concrete and holistic way.

“With Gaeta Brilla – commented Mayor Cosmo Mitrano – our commitment continues to promote the issues of the day through educational and training courses aimed, above all, our children. The remarkable teamwork, which thanks to the fruitful synergy of bodies and associations, allows young people to approach the scientific world, Particularly space and water, advancing the economic development of our country. Having a science liaison adorns an exciting training course that represents an intellectual and existential opportunity, an extraordinary experience, and a key to the future.”

Il Cielo Itinerante will include boys and girls from two institutes in the city: from the 25th to the 26th the activities will take place at the Comprehensive Istituto G. Carducci in Piazza Trieste, on the 27th and 28th at the Comprehensive Instituto Principe Amedeo, at Via Caligna 20 and on the 29th, at the end of the five days The two groups will meet at the Municipal Stadium “Reciniello” on the Via Marina di Serappo. The themes of the Gaeta Brilla STEM Camp will be space and water, with the first and second day workshops dedicated to it, while on the last day, girls and boys from the two participating institutions will build and launch a rocket!

“I believe that this event fully represents the great value that stems from the synergy between the various actors operating in the same region – said Acqualatina President Michele Lauriola. Today this synergy has given a valuable opportunity to many young people and we are particularly proud to make our contribution. The new generations are our hope. Above all else in environmental protection issues and that is why we always willingly invest in them.”

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Deputy Mayor Angelo Magliozzi and Mayor’s Delegate for Relations with National and International Bodies Roberta Castini added: “The dual course for young people involved in the project, the scientific course thanks to Il Cielo Itinerante and the environmental thanks to Acqualatina: scientific callers will set up the workshops and lead the children on a wonderful journey into the magical world of science , namely “staining their hands”, while the specialists at Acqualatina will talk to children about the importance of water as a precious asset to be preserved for the future good of our earth, and teach them to respect the environment, which is the key to making their future a better future.

As Ersilia Vodou has repeatedly stated, quoting Maria Rainer Rilke’s words “the future is within us even before it happens” “Water service management, for us, does not stop at the distribution of drinking water and the purification of waste water, but extends to environmental protection and education – as Marco Lombardi says, CEO of Acqualatina.Proof of this is Blue Flags,which our coastal municipalities have been getting for years,reusing sewage sludge as fertilizer in agriculture.For this reason,it is so important for us to support educational projects like this,which make a great cultural contribution to the community in which we work.”

Loredana Leccese, Director of Communications: “Acqualatina’s support for this initiative is part of the broader goal we have set for ourselves as managers of an essential public service. If the ‘mission’ is to ensure service for all, the overarching goal is to create value for society. Training young people on scientific issues and protecting The environment is one of the highest tools for value creation.”

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