Francesco Totti, garage supersonic: a legendary model appears

Francesco Totti, garage supersonic: a legendary model appears

Passion for the car is also Francesco Totti. The historic footballer and captain of Roma has his own super specimen in his garage.

Everyone knows Francesco TottiEspecially football fans. The lore and former historical hero of Rome still today speaks volumes about the character and at the heart of the news.

Francesco Totti and his luxurious garage (ANSA) –

After his farewell to football, at the end of a long career with only the yellow and red jersey, Totti He remained in the world of sports. In fact, he runs a sports agent company, as well as being a fan of padel Based on soccerWhere he enjoys exciting tournaments and competitions.

However, the former captain also has another great devotion, that of sports cars. actually Totti He spent his first luxury salary as a Romanian footballer in cars. And that appreciation remained in his heart, as evidenced by the prestigious garage he owned.

Even a super Lamborghini in Totti’s garage

As mentioned, Francesco Totti is a car enthusiast. One of the main hobbies of Roman No. 10 is traveling in very fast and sparkling cars.

for garage years Totti It is enriched by the presence of several supercars in which it has invested heavily. In fact, there is one Presence Ferrari 612 Scaglietti And one 599two gorgeous luxury coupes that underscore the former footballer’s love for the Maranello car factory.

But recently, Totti has been seen driving around in another big luxury car, which is related to the rival stable of Ferrari. In other words, Lamborghini’s neighbors, another Italian and Emily distinguished themselves in the car market. In fact, Totti recently owned one Lamborghini Urusone of the finest examples of the Sant’Agata Bolognese house.

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Lamborghini Urus Tutti
Buy the new Lamborghini Urus for Totti (Ansa) –

It comes with an extension Luxury SUV From the Lamborghini brand, in production since 2018. It is based on the prototype presented during the 2012 Beijing Auto Show and represents the most famous and prized off-road vehicle by the wealthy. In fact, its value is quite high and within the reach of many drivers.

Today it deserves a Lamborghini Urus 235 thousand euros. It features a 4.0 twin-turbo V8 engine capable of delivering over 600 horsepower and 850 Nm of torque. The system is all-wheel drive, with air suspension and an off-road mode. It is also capable of reaching a top speed of 305 km / h. Incredible performance for a perfect car for a champion like Totti.

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