Fiorello at Viva Rai 2 reveals the beginning of Giorgia in Sanremo

Fiorello at Viva Rai 2 reveals the beginning of Giorgia in Sanremo

to me Long live the opinion 2 fake disqualification Georgia From San Remo 2023. during this morning’s episode FiorelloAnd the Pretending to defy the festival’s rules, he played the beginning of an audio file that had been sent to him The WhatsApp by Romanian singer. Fiorello said next to A Fabrizio Biggio Very worried.

Disqualification of Amadeus Georgia

Five and six seconds of the song were broadcast live, interrupted by the showman. Just in time for the call to arrive from the artistic director and festival host on the same mobile phone, Amadeus. Fiorello, you can’t give away spoilers San Remo. Now Georgia is not eligible. “You take responsibility,” Amadeus said in a somewhat annoyed tone. Fiorello then feigned concern that he was responsible for the disturbing messages the curtain had caused on his mobile phone, from his wife. Susana to the advertisement Carlo Fortes.

The joke is revealed

The joke lasted a few minutes. Fiorello then revealed that the song heard was another unreleased song from Giorgia’s new recording project but not the one that would lead to Sanremo. He also called Amadeus to live to laugh at what happened.

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